Chapter 11

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Why was I actually afraid of going to school. I hadn't done anything wrong, yet I felt like I was the culprit or something.

It was because of Jason, he made me feel as if I was the bad guy and I was about to ruin his life or something when in reality I'd like to stay clear of him for an eternity. Period.

So as I got ready for school, my mind kept flashing back to the way he looked at me, the way he towered over me and spoke with such anger. He literally made me feel so vulnerable and it made no sense but I didn't plan on figuring out why I felt this way because that would end up in me communicating with him and he was crazy so that's a no from me. How could someone be so angry thought. I mean I get angry when finding out my older brother (whenever he is home) eats my food from the fridge but it's not the kind of raging anger that is constantly there. Maybe he has anger issues, but if that was the case he shouldn't be taking it out on people like me who have no mind of annoying or getting in his way.

I wore a simple cream boxy crop with denim distressed shorts. I tied the laces to my white converse before grabbing my books and phone before leaving my room.

My mind still overthinking Jason and his angry words, I almost presented myself as being restless to my parents who literally knew whenever there was something wrong

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My mind still overthinking Jason and his angry words, I almost presented myself as being restless to my parents who literally knew whenever there was something wrong. Understandable for my dad who had to be familiar of certain behaviours due to his job but my mom, she just had special powers of reading people's minds. Seriously.

"What's wrong Bella? Has something happened?" My mom asked me almost instantly as I walked in to the kitchen.

"Hm?" I muttered as I sat down at the bar stools at the kitchen island directly opposite my mom who was now joined by my dad, both with concerned looks on their faces.

"Everything okay?" I asked in confusion as they Legit just stood there staring.

"I told you we shouldn't of let her go out so early on. We have no clue who she's hanging out with. What do we know she could be a drug addict by tomorrow and we wouldn't even know of it-" my dad frantically spoke before my mom cut him off.

"Relax honey, our daughter is smart and knows what's right and what's wrong. We did a good job raising her, now how many times do I have to tell you to keep your cop attitude strictly at work. It makes you go crazy" she snapped. It was true, being a cop really did change your mindset as my dad thought more so of the bad negative things in a situation then the positives or the brighter side. In his world, there was no brighter side and everything had some sort of problem to it.

My dad rolled his eyes and shook his head "I'm just trying to make sure my daughter is safe" he answered back.

"I am safe dad. Don't worry about that"

Was I worried about that? Surely. One of the most mysterious and clearly bad boy of the high school was threatening he'd make my life a living hell if I spoke about him to my dad, surely I had to be crapping my self every second. Which I basically was.

The worst part was, he wasn't a typically kinda bad boy, neither were his friends. Not the kind that gets excluded from school for lighting a dumpster on fire or bullying multiple kids just for fun. They were the kind of mature bad boys who seemed to know what they were doing. It was so strange because I thought at first they were the schools bad boys who every girl liked but were the kind of practical jokesters who spent their lives in education to solely annoy teachers. The only thing I knew was correct was that every girl at school liked them. Especially Jason. Every girl I spoke to had some sort of obsession with him and somehow they all knew how he was 'great in bed'.

"You're going to be late for work honey, take your lunch. I love you" My mom laughed kissing him making me turn away for a couple seconds. I adored them as they acted like they fell more and more in love with each other each and every day, but come on, I didn't really like watching them make out for a couple seconds. No child would want to see that.

"Have a good day Isabella, be good" my dad spoke before kissing my forehead and leaving.

"Is it a boy?" She quickly said as soon as she heard the front door close.

I looked at her in shock, although I told my mom everything about boy problems and boys in general, it had been so long we had spoken about this topic that I was caught of guard when she actually mentioned it.

"No mom" I answered putting my head in my hands.

"Oh come on, you only get like this when it's about a boy. Or you're on your period which I know you're not so spill the tea honey" I slowly looked at her "you didn't just say 'spill the tea'" I spoke in horror. Nothing worse than when parents try to act cool.

"Stop changing the topic!" She exclaimed making me sigh as I stood up.

"Seriously mom, I'm okay, I'm just trying to make friends and so far Ive only met Roxy's friends. Who are ALL exactly like her. It's not about a boy, I'd tell you if it was" - just not if the boy was basically a criminal who had a sleeve of tattoos on both his arms apart from one of them which was half full but still, it wasn't a good look for prestige parents who cared about image. More so my dad, my mom was much more understanding and open minded. My dad, not so much.

"I'll see you later, I love you" with that, I kissed her cheek and left.

I knew I couldn't tell my mom about the whole Jason situation. 1- she'd tell my dad who would immediately move me to a boarding private school to keep me away from someone like Jason McCann. Literally. And 2- This was in no means such a big deal for me to tell my mom about let alone actually stressing about. I was such an over thinker partially due to my anxiety but for some reason, the thought of Jason having something against me lingered in my mind and I wished everything was to be erased as for us to start afresh.

I was losing my mind for thinking this way but it somehow felt good.

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