Chapter 33

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"You kissed?!" Zak, Sally, Aria and Ana all said in the weirdest sync ever.

"Shh!" I hushed them as they literally were yelling and hyperventilating as soon as I told them causing a scene. I really didn't want anyone knowing about this apart from them.

"Don't you shh us! This is great! This is fantastic! So he's your boyfriend now right?" Sally exclaimed in excitement.

I shook my head "No! Don't eat too excited guys, it was just a kiss," I paused and they all gave me this look of annoyance "I... please don't make this obvious. I don't want anyone knowing about this. Anyone" I told them in warning making them look at me in confusion.

"Dating one of the hottest and nicest guys in our schools also known as a football player is definitely something you shouldn't be embarrassed of people knowing about you know" Zak informed as they all nodded.

I shook my head face palming myself "It's not that..." I sighed looking over to the right where I saw Brandon and Kyle walk past us, too indulged in their own conversation to notice us.

"Don't tell me you're hiding this from them" Ana said in a whisper,

"From Jason" Sally ended making me look at her, she could always just read me like an open book, annoying at times like this as I didn't really want that to be known.

I put my head in my hands not knowing what to do with myself. This is exactly why staying indoors and hiding myself from the world is so much better then actually going out and socialising.

"Why does he always have to ruin things for you. It's pisses me off" Sally said in annoyance "So true" Zak agreed making me sigh shaking my head.

"Well he did admit to her that he didn't want her to be with anyone else" Aria reminded making me groan at just the memory of that night.

"It's like he doesn't want her but doesn't want anyone else to have her, weirdo" Ana continued making me groan even more just at her words.

"Oh chill out man, don't be so dramatic" Zak said shoving me. "You can't hide your life from Jason forever. If he doesn't want you, someone else will, and that person is practically every boy in this school but we pick Austin so go get him and fall in love" he ended as they all agreed.

"You guys know what he did to those guys, he didn't stop hitting that one guy because he was the one who touched me for 0.5 seconds" I reminded them making them nod "But come on, the guy was a pervert and Jason wasn't about to let someone harass you like that" Ana suggested

"Jason shouldn't be your main priority right now because he's a little bitch that has no respect for those who have the guts to actually care for him. Don't get too caught up in it" Sally said and before I could even reply, the bell rang for class.

"Remember, as long as you don't mention Austin in front of Ryan or any of his friends, you're all good" Aria advised making me nod as we made our way to class.

Once saying a small goodbye, I took a deep breath and entered the social studies class room.

I looked over at my desk to see an empty seat, obviously mine too but Ryan was not there. He always was here. And he always made it to class before me somehow so this was very strange to see an empty seat next to me.

It was my lucky day.

God was on my side.

Half way through class, I saw my phone light up as it sat on the desk next to my notebook making me glance at it to see it was a text in the group chat from Aria.

iMessage from: Aria 💓
'Za and Brandon aren't in class today guys, Za is at least always here'

Shortly after a text from Zak came in.

iMessage from: Zak the snake 🐍💓
'Yup, neither is Kyle or Khalil, but who gives a fuck they're annoying anyway'

As you can see, Zak had a strong hatred for the boys even though he finds them very bey attractive.

iMessage from: Smelly Sally 💓
'Neither is infamous Jason McCann, you're in luck Bella. But this is odd, Jason always takes days off but the rest... they're practically always here but whatever, Is Ryan here Bella?'

I typed a quick response 'Nope, thank god. Meet in the cafeteria at lunch they might show up then.'

And with that, I put my phone down and attempted to get back to the lesson.

It was highly unlikely that they were ALL ill in the same day and chose to stay at home, especially when they were saying how the only person that takes days of was Jason but they all were absent today?

I was more interested in avoiding Jason for the weirdest reason because I was so set on just pretending he never existed but let's be honest, that was never possible.

A part of my wanted to know where they were, what they were doing that meant that they all had to miss a day of school, especially Ryan who knew he had social studies today with me and we had to work on our project but I guess  I shouldn't be complaining considering I wouldn't have any luck in actually lying about the whole date with Austin and getting away with it.

I just hated how once again I was watching out for Jason when in reality I wanted nothing more but to be just what Jason called me,

A minority.

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