Chapter 22

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"Shut up! No he did not!" Zak exclaimed as his hands flew to his mouth in what looked like complete shock after hearing the events that took place yesterday.

We were all now in the library and it probably was the worst place to actually tell a story that involves a lot of omg moments. Especially when your best friend is the loudest and most dramatic person ever. Aka Zak.

"But then he just stood there looking so angry. Like, you just beat the shit out of some scums and you're still looking like you could fight a couple more people?" Sally pointed out which was very true. It was like his anger was a part of him, he was mean and looked the part too.

"This is so... weird. McCann? Helping? Doing something that doesn't involve anything benefiting him or his stupid friends?" Ana joked making me nod.

"Daddy material!" Zak suddenly yelled, "Quiet!" The librarian came out of no where, glaring at Zak for his continuous loudness.

"Sorry girl" he said making me laugh at how confident he was.

"So did you like... communicate with him after? Or did he do that thing he always does where he just stares in to your soul with that daddy angry look on his face whilst clenching his sharp ass jaw?" He exaggerated "Omg yes! He literally just stood there looking even more angry then he did when he was fighting the kids! Serious issues man" Sally replied making me sigh putting my head in my hands. I thought I was done with him, I didn't want to be thinking about him once again.

"So you didn't thank him for practically saving you Bells?" Aria asked raisin her eyebrows as I looked at her.

I groaned "how could I thank him? He's so... scary and mysterious and intimidating I feel terrified just looking at him" I answered leaning back in my seat.

"He's... interested in you," Sally paused making me look at her instantly with the greatest amount of shock.

"He's not" I quickly argued "He is" the rest all said at the same time.

"You guys! Come on! Do you understand what you're saying? Jason McCann, the basically criminal who first harassed me physically and freaking mentally, is somehow interested in me? It sounds more like he has an issue with me rather then interest" I stated, it was the truth.

They all just gave me this kinda smirk with a raised eyebrow kind of look which made me shove them each one by one "He likes you but his big ass ego wont let him admit it." Ana continued making me shake my head, they were crazy.

"But hes bad for you and that's a fact," Sally added making me nod like crazy.

"But at least now you know," Zak paused smirking "You have a chance to get some McCann dick!" He yelled.

My jaw dropped and I felt my cheeks tint red as I knew people were now staring, including the librarian who was again giving us the worst death glares ever.

"We should probably go" Sally suggested making us all murmur words of agreement before getting up and leaving the actual library.

"Whatever this is, we can't expect anything from it. I can't let this guy get in to my life when he's bad news. My dad would literally kill me." I reminded them making them nod as I began to walk backwards so I could face them as I spoke to them "i haven't seen him today and I think that's best- the less I see him, the better chance of him literally forgetting who I even am and also-"

Suddenly I felt literally the hardest body ever crash in to me making me look at Sally, and then Zak, and then Aria and Ana who all had the same shocked/awkward facial expressions written all over their faces.

I slowly turned around, looking up, I was met with the same heavenly brown hazel orbs that I somehow found so hard to break contact from whenever I were to look in to them.

My mouth parted slightly as he looked down at me, his eyes darkening once he had noticed it was me.

I stepped back "I'm sorry-" just I was about to apologise, he cut me off "Look where you're going." He spat, his voice deep and filled with the same anger he always had.

I frowned, looking at him confused as to why he was still acting so horribly with me when literally yesterday he was saving me from guys he didn't even know.

He didn't even say anything else, he gave me one final glare before he walked off in the opposite direction, his friend Ryan by his side made eye contact with me with an almost sympathetic look.

I turned and watched him leave, walking past my friends and not once looking back at me.

"What the fuck" Sally muttered, "He's got to be kidding me right now" Ana continued. All my emotions basically.

"Has he got a memory of a fish? Has he forgotten his anger when seeing other guys trying to fuck with you? Has he forgotten he beat someone's ass just to keep your ass safe?" Sally asked, seeming even more angrier then I should be.

"He can suck my ass" Zak cursed "Like bitch you ain't shit" He continued making me shake my head.

How could he just speak tonme like that, I know I wasn't that relevant for him to speak to me in any other way but I didn't expect that from him. I thought his mean faze was over, I genuinely thought he'd be nice to me in any way.

Clearly I was wrong.

"Now can we never speak about him again?" I asked, feeling like such an idiot.

"Amen to that" Aria said making the rest of them nod.

With that, we turned in the opposite direction he walked in and walked away.

How someone could so much for someone and then make them feel the worst for what reason? Just to feel in control? Or to have the power? It made no sense.

Everyone warned me about him, I should of listened to them from the beginning. I hate to say it, but Roxy was right.

He's toxic.

Toxic •Jason McCann• Where stories live. Discover now