Chapter 28

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'Automatic Responses'

The final bell rang and the students now crowded the hallways. I stood at my locker literally hyperventilating just by thinking about how it was now time for me to actually get in a car with Ryan freaking Butler and go to his house filled with people I have been warned about since the day I got here.

Even Roxy warned me, and that girl was crazy for any guy.

"They're toxic Isabella, don't get too close"

I remembered her words about them and now finally believed them.

"You look like you're about shit yourself" Sally came out of no where making me jump and then instantly freak out more.

"I am" I quickly said as I felt my hands get clammy turning to look at her as she looked at me with amusement "Just remember, if you feel anything sketchy or if one of them ever tried laying his fingernail on a strand of your eyebrow hair you call me straight away, then 911"

I laughed at how specific she was but then went back to just nodding frantically and listening to any of her advice. "Come on, lets go"

With that, I closed my locker, clutching on to my social studies textbook and notebook before linking arms with her and making our way outside.

"You cool?" She asked looking at me as we were now outside and directly in front of us was Ryan stood by his car which was parked a little further from where he and his friends normally park it, however the rest of the boys were in their normal parking spaces in their own little world of pushing and joking around with each other, no sign of Jason. 

I nodded before we began walking up to Ryan, Zak, Ana and Aria all joined us as I have Ryan a small smile "Ready to go?" He asked me making me nod. I turned around and gave me friends 'the look' which automatically they sniggered to being the childish people they were.

"I'll see you later" I told them, they also laughed at that as Zak commented "If you survive"

I shoved him before turning around to see Ryan now stood holding the door to his car open for me.

I got in thanking him as he closed the door, I looked out the window as if I was a child being taken to their first day of elementary school waving goodbye to their parents with a look of sadness on their face purely because it's a place no child willingly likes to go to on the first day.

This was the same thing. I would never willingly want to go to Ryan's house, like, ever.

Ryan got in to the car and slowly drove out of the car park and on the main road.

"Are you always this quiet? I mean I know you're shy but I would of thought you'd break outta your shell by now with me" He chuckled making me awkwardly just smile,

"Sorry..." I didn't really know what else to say "You're apologising? God you're so innocent" he again laughed, I guess he just enjoyed pointing out things about my character and then laughing about them because maybe he just wasn't used to actual innocence because he had been exploited of that by his dear friend Jason.

The rest of the car journey consisted of him trying to make conversation, and then ending up telling me a whole bunch of stories about some people at our school. I think Ryan was my favourite, he was like literally the same as typical teenage boy but just so much nicer and kinder.

My eyes averted to the dirt road ahead of me as we entered literally the middle of no where. The path looked never ending.

"Yeah, kinda creepy place but I promise I'm not kidnapping you, this is kinda just the shortcut we take to our house" he reassured me, okay man you're making a lot of jokes about kidnapping what's going on here boy.

Finally, the dirt road disappeared and amongst the trees a very vey large house appeared, it was surrounded by gates which were tall, there was a long driveway which was filled with cars, more then what they brought to school with them as they all just kinda came in the same ones everyday like every normal person would do but of course they had many many more.

He pushed in the passcode for the gate to open before driving the car in and parking it near the front of the house.

Getting out of the car, he led me up to the front porch before quickly opening up the large doors.

"After you" he muttered allowing me to go in first thanking him, I looked back to see he was still stood outside but he was just looking at the driveway in confusion as if he was literally counting the cars.

"Um Ryan?" I called out making him look at me "Oh shit sorry, let's go" he quickly said before coming in and shutting the door. The house was more like a mansion,everything inside was decorated so nicely it made me shocked that 6 guys lived here and managed to keep it so clean.

"Um do you want anything to eat? Drink?" He asked me, like of course I'll have a filly course meal if that's possible.

Instead I said "No thank you" and left it at that before I got a bit too excited.

We entered the kitchen which was again so nicely decorated, and very big. "Aye, it's little Miss Bella" Za greeted as all the boys sat in the kitchen, apart from Jason who was nowhere to be seen.

I smiled feeling kinda intimidated as they all now looked at me however they'd all greeted me nicely and made me feel a lot better.

"We're going to work now so don't bother us" Ryan bluntly said "Oooh, careful Bella, he gets a little too excited and turned on when seeing a girl sat studying in his bedroom" Khalil joked making him roll his eyes.

"Shut up, ignore them. Let's go" he said to me making nod "Bye Bella" Khalil smirked making me shake my head laughing at how he tried to make me feel uncomfortable but it just made me laugh instead because he was so creepy.

Ryan led me upstairs, the hallways separated and i looked to my right to see a hallway which had 3 doors on each side, then I looked to my left seeing two doors right next to each her.

Finally, the hallway ahead led down to big white double doors, it looked like the head bedroom but I didn't really think much of it however I did wonder if it was Jason's room since he did seem like the head of whatever these guys were.

"Er excuse the mess" he muttered once he opened the door to his room, it wasn't as messy as a typical teenage boys room.

"Shall we get started?" He asked making me nod. We sat down on the carpet with our books around us before beginning,

I didn't entirely feel on edge, much like I thought I would.

Maybe it was just because Jason wasn't anywhere to be seen which made it a whole lot better because I know that every time I do see him, he makes me feel so... powerless and as if he's in control of me, of everything I do and everything I say and for some reason I had no idea how to stop feeling this way but it was like an automatic response to whenever I saw him.

It was like he had some sort of super power which triggered a persons anxiety of nerves which made each and everyone feel so intimidated as soon as he was around, and it was the very thing he thrived of, power and control.

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