Chapter 15

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'Finished Business'

I sat down in my seat in my history class, keeping to myself and keeping my head down.

"Where have you been! You're literally always on your phone so what's your excuse for not answering it when I was calling, like all morning" Zak complained as he came and sat down in his seat which was in front of mine.

"Oh sorry... I didn't realise" I told him, completely in my own world.

"What the fuck" he cursed making me look at him to see he was looking down at me hands which were on my desk.

"Who did that to you?" He gushed as he gripped my wrists, the red marks still lingered as I had just been harassed by Jason once again.

I quickly pulled them out of his grip because it hurt and also I didn't want anyone else to be looking at them or noticing them.

"No one" I whispered shaking my head.

"Shut the fuck up" he answered "I need names, was it Roxy? Was it one of her sheep friends? I swear to god if they've laid a finger on you I'll-" I was quick to cut him off.

"Zak... Relax. It wasn't Roxy, or anyone. It's literally just carpet burn. You know me, I'm clumsy" I lied. Really Bella? Carpet burn on just your wrists? Could I be any more obvious.

He raised his eyebrows in amusement knowing I was lying. Before he could continue further, the teacher walked in. "You're telling me everything after class, I don't care"

With that, class began and instead of my mind focusing on the thousands of historians my teacher was rambling on about, I was completely distracted by the thought of Jason and the situation I was in.

It was taking over everything and I felt trapped once again.

As soon as class ended, I was quick to grab my things and leave to only bump right in to Sally, Aria and Ana who were waiting right outside my class.

They all had the most serious looks on their faces before their eyes averted down to my wrists and quickly I realised Zak had somehow texted them and obviously told them everything.

"Carpet burn she says" Zak spoke as he followed behind me. They now all stood right in front of me, towering over me with crossed arms.

"Tell us what's happened Bella. Right now." Sally spoke firmly making me sigh. How was I supposed to tell them that I was in a situation with Jason McCann who had also caused the marks on my arms.

The familiar radio talk made my eyes avert from my shoes to the two police officers now walking past us. One being very familiar.

"Okay I'll tell you guys everything. But I can't right now. Just wait for me okay? I'll be back" with that, I took off.

Squeezing my way through the already crowded hallways pushing past people to try and get through and reach my dad before he left.

I rushed outside of the building to see him.

"Dad" I called out rushing next to him.

"Oh hey Bella" he paused turning to the officer next to him "Go to the car, I'll be a minute" with that, the officer left.

"What's up? Why are you so out of breath?" He chuckled as he then sipped on the paper cup of coffee he had in his hand.

"Doesn't matter, why are you here?" I asked, not meaning for it to come out rudely. "Well then" he laughed pretending to be offended by the way I said it.

"You know I can't discuss my work with you Isabella" he told me raising his eyebrows.

"I know but this is my new school, I want to know if there's any... criminal activity taking place?" I totally made that up and he knew that.

He shook his head chuckling as he continued to walk, me rushing next to him to keep up with him.

"Okay can you just tell me if it's anything to do with a student? Or maybe a group of students?" Way to be discreet about it Bella.

He looked at me as if I was crazy "Let's just say a certain group of kids find it funny to violate their principles home." He chuckled.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips knowing he was only talking about Dion and his friends as they were boasting about how they TP'd the principles house over the weekend.

Once he got to the car he turned to look at me "Why are you so concerned? Is everything okay?" He asked. I almost instantly nodded "Youre not hiding anything from me, right?" He asked again, I shook my head

"Not at all" I answered.

"Okay..." he paused as he opened the door to his car.

"I really hope you're staying away from any trouble, I know you're a smart kid and far from troublesome however it's really easy to feel peer pressured so don't be afraid to talk to me about any individuals who you may feel... aren't right I guess"

I nodded, "It' sounds like you no more about this school then I do" I joked.

As soon as I said that he broke eye contact with me and his eyes roamed the school ground before stopping to the right. I turned my head to the right to see from a distance the entirety of Jason's group.

They all stood and stared. Jason specifically.

"I know a lot Bella, please be careful." I looked at my dad to see he was no looking at me concerned.

I nodded slowly as I watched him get back in his car and drive away.

I was almost too scared to look back at Jason and his friends knowing he was probably glaring at me and probably thinking I spilled the tea on his crazy self.

"Bella!" I turned around to see Sally, Zak and the twins now stood in front of me.

I turned to look at Jason to see he was still watching me, looking back at my group of friends, they had noticed my sudden attention to Jason and were now looking at them too. It was like some sort of rival stare off.

"Come on" I told them before dragging them away and back in to the building.

I finally had nothing to feel scared about, Jason was in the clear and now, i had no reason to ever need to communicate with him ever again.

Thank god.


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