Imagine #7: Hayes&Kelly

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-an imagine requested by someone who doesn't want her wattpad name released, aka: Kelly. (some of you guys will know who this is but for everyone else, she's just a close friend of mine.)-

~Kelly's POV~

Today was mine and Hayes' 6 month anniversary, and he had asked me to come round to his condo tonight. Obviously, being the kind of bae I am, I agreed.

I jumped into the warm shower and washed my hair and body, cleansing myself. I didn't take long and as soon as I had finished, I dried my hair and straightened it. I always tried to straighten it properly, but my hair is naturally frizzy, so it never really works. I applied the basic make-up, consisting of medium to dark foundation and black mascara, with a little eyeliner underneath. I brushed my teeth and wiped my mouth. After that, I put my black leggings and a light blue, buttoned up denim top.

I walked out of the bathroom, and boiled the kettle, making myself a nice, hot chocolate. When it was ready, I took a seat at my breakfast bar and slowly sipped my drink, waiting for the right time to leave.

Hayes had said he wanted me round at 8ish and it was currently half 7. He only lived a quarter of an hour away, so I had 15 minutes to spare. The waiting around was killing me, so I decided to leave. I knew if be early but I didn't think he'd mind.

I jumped into my white Bentley and set off.

-at Hayes' condo-

I knocked on the front door, nervously waiting for a reply.
He opened it and greeted me with a soft kiss.
"Hey baby, you ok?" He asked me, bearing me in.
"Yeah I'm fine. What've you got planned?" I replied, with another question.
"Well, I was thinking about ordering a take-out and then actually taking you out to the movies. How does that sound?" He said, waiting anxiously for my reply.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Perfect!", before sealing his lips with a kiss.

We manoeuvred into his living room and sat comfortably on the sofa.
"Drink?" He offered.
"Nah, I'm good. I had one before I left. Thanks anyway."
"No problem." He moved his arm over my shoulder and I rested my head on his chest.
He turned on the tele, and it came on revealing a couple kissing wildly in bed.
I sighed wanting this experience. I just didn't realise Hayes heard me! Oh god!
"I know." He said agreeing to my sigh.
I went to reply an explain but he placed his arms on my waist and lifted me so I was sat on his lap.
He kissed me and I kissed him back, the actions getting more heated every time.
He stood up and we were still kissing, my legs still wrapped tightly around his waist. He walked over to his bedroom and shut the door, laying me down on the bed.
"I love you Kelly. More than words can say." He said, before kissing my neck, moving lower down it every time.
"I love you more." I whispered, loving the attention he was giving me.
His hands moved to my top pulling it off slowly.
I moved my legs quickly around his hips and sharply pulled them down, so his was fully lying on top of me.
He kissed me frantically on the lips and kept telling me he loved me.
As he took my denim top off, I pulled on the bottom on his top, bringing it up, over his head.
I tugged on his grey traccies and they slipped off his legs. I wiggled out of my leggings and, after a couple of minutes, we were both naked and I could feel his hard cock, ready to go in. He paused his kissing actions on my belly and looked at me in my eyes.
"You ready?" He asked, his voice sounding really horny.
"Mhm." I gave my approval.
He started thrusting into me and I groaned loudly.
"Does is hurt too much?" he asked me, slowing down.
"Nuh uh." I said, gritting my teeth.
After several thrusts, the pain turned to pleasure and his hips were moving frantically. My hands were moving up and down his back, pulling him closer, letting out moans every now and again, whereas his hands were all over the place. On my breasts, hips and hair.

Soon, his thrusts were getting sloppier by the minute and I knew he was going to release soon. He didn't need to tell me but he did anyway.
"Baby, I'm nearly there." he said, his deep voice, sounding extremely sexy.
"Me too." I said, still kissing him.
A couple more thrusts went by, until he released into me, and coincidentally I released a few seconds after, both reaching our climax nearly at the same time.

He collapsed to my side and we both laughed.
"I love baby." he said to me.
"No babe. I love you more." I finished off our physical activity with a soft, slow kiss.
"No one can ever love you more than me." He pulled me close and we cuddled.

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