Imagine #15: Cameron&Rachelle

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Requested by: RayRayKrazyGirl

~Rachelle's POV~

Today, I was having a lazy day in with two of my favourite people. My boyfriend of three years Shawn, and one of my best friends, Cameron. We were chilling out on the sofa, watching movies before it was time for Shawn to take me out to dinner.

We laughed hysterically at the rom-com movie as it came to an end. The credits came on screen and we all stretched our legs. Shawn got up.
"Just going to the loo." He said in general, before looking at me. "And you, my beautiful girl, you better be ready to go out by the time I'm done!"
I giggled at his tone of voice, kind of childish but damn sexy at the same time.
"Alright. I will be." I said, as he headed to the bathroom.
I could feel Cam's eyes glaring at me the whole time, so I turned to face him.
"What's your problem?" I said, poking him playfully in the arm.
"You." He paused a second. "And him." Another pause. "Together." He shivered in his seat and pulled a disgusted look on his face.
"What about us?" I replied, harshly.
"I still don't like it." He didn't make eye contact.
"Cameron. Shawn and I have been dating for three years now and you haven't mentioned anything like this before. Why are you acting like this?" I said, confused as to why he brought it up just now.
"I. I don't know. Maybe, just maybe have feelings developing for you." He stood up and made his way round to where I was. He grabbed my face and went to lean in for a kiss but before he could do anything, I pushed him away. When I was confronting him about it, I tried to be as reasonable as possible.
"Look Cameron. Not to be disrespectful or anything but it's Shawn I like. He is the only one for me and I am deeply in love with him. Please be happy for me and respect that? I know you guys aren't great friends but please don't ruin our relationship."
He nodded sadly and sat back down. It was perfect timing as well, as Shawn strolled out of the bathroom at that second. That was awfully close.
"You ready babe?" He asked me.
I nodded and didn't speak, still mesmerised by what had just happened.
"See you later." Shawn shouted as we both headed out the door for dinner. "Tonight's a special one." He said to me, before grabbing my hand and taking me out.

*after dinner, returning back home with some special news. Cam and Rachelle are room mates and Shawn has gone to his house...*

"CAM! CAM! Guess what?" I said, as I ran through the front door and into the lounge, after a wonderful dinner with Shawn.
He immediately got up and ran over to me. "What is it? What's wrong?"
I couldn't contain my excitement any longer and I showed him the engagement ring on my finger. "Shawn proposed to me. Look!" I practically screamed in his ear.
He was speechless and he was getting teary-eyed at the same time.
"Aren't you happy for me?" I asked, calming down.
"Well yes, I suppose but it's not going to stop me from liking you..." He said, looking uncomfortably down at his feet.
I thought of an excellent idea.
"Hey Cam. I'm gonna introduce you to someone tomorrow. Her name is Kayla and I think you'll really like her."
"Okay." He perked up a bit. "That sounds fun!"

<2 Years Later>

"I can't believe that after everything we've been through, our ups and downs, our fights and arguments, that 5 years of being in love, would have brought us this." I said to Shawn, as I looked down at the most beautiful baby in the whole world. Our baby. Mackenzie Mendes.
"I love you so much and I'm so proud of you." Shawn said, kissing me on the forehead.

At that moment, my two best friends, Cameron and Kayla, also boyfriend and girlfriend, came walking in, hand in hand, looking very please with themselves.
"What's happened?" I asked. I could just tell by the looks on their faces, that something was up.
Cameron blurted out. "We're getting married!"

I'm so happy that things worked out for Cam and Kayla in the end and that Shawn, myself and Mackenzie are one, big, happy family...



hope you liked it rachelle🌸

dayum that imagine was loooooong. sorry about that. everything in it was requested so how could I refuse. ah well. hope y'all enjoyed it anyhow. requests are still open as well so feel free to ask. have a wonderful day :)

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