Imagine #33: Matt&Dysheria

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Requested by: dysheria_taylor123

~Dysheria's POV~

'I got one less, one less problem'

I was here, singing and jamming to my favourite song, Problem. Mahogany and Brandon's cover obviously. I was drying my hair because I had just got out of the shower, whilst listening to the music on full blast even though I knew it annoyed my neighbours so much.

"What the...?!?" My boyfriend Matt had just walked in on me, hair all over the place, hair brush being used as a microphone, mouth wide open about to sing. I just stared at him embarrassed as he was laughing excessively.
"Have you got something against my singing then?" I laughed along even though I looked like a tomato and ran over to where he was stood as he was clenching his belly from laughing so much and so hard.
"You're..." He let out a little laugh. "Such..." He giggled. "A..." He tightened the grip around his waist. "Good singer!!!!" He burst out into a fit of laughter and started to roll around on the floor, clapping.
I wasn't offended because I knew I was a terrible singer, never mind my awesome dance moves.

"Anyway," He stood up controlling his recent phase. "Are you nearly ready?" He asked me, straightening out his shirt.
Today was the day I was going to meet his parents and bit was I nervous. After almost 12 months of officially dating we thought it was the right time and even though I was super nervous, I kind if wanted to meet them and get to know them a bit better.
"Just a min." I said, spreading out the foundation dotted on my face. I brushed my hair as it had now dried and I quickly did a loose French plait running down from the top of my head, past my ear. I let the rest hang loose.
"Okay, now I'm ready." I dropped my hair brush and walked over to Matt, and standing before him, I grabbed both of his hands and squeezed them, inhaling a deep breath.
"What's up babe?" Matt asked me concerned.
"I'm just super nervous that's all." I looked down at my feet, shifting nervously. He lifted my head up up with his hand.
"Don't be." He kissed my lips softly. "They'll love you, I promise."
That certainly reassured me.
"Okay. Let's go." I nodded and we walked out of my house hand in hand.

I jumped in the passenger seat of his car and we headed off for the ten minute journey to Matt's parents' house. The whole way there, he had his hand resting on my leg - not too high. Just so it sat comfortably there.

Shortly later, we arrived at the house and he parked the car outside. I started to laugh.
"What?" He also started to laugh.
"Look." I held out my hand which was shaking rapidly. "I can't help it!"
"Dysheria, there's nothing to be afraid about, okay. They're super nice and I'm sure they'll approve of you." He smiled at me and kissed my hand.

We got out of the car and I slowly approached the front door with Matt, our hands intwined. He knocked on and we waited a moment. A second later, the door swung open revealing a tall, older man.
"Hello Matthew." The man greeted Matt with a 'man' hug.
"And you must be the wonderful Dysheria that I've been hearing so much about." He smiled and held out his hand. I shook it. "I'm Matts father."
I returned the smile." It's nice to meet you. Yes I'm Dysheria."
"Please come in." He turned around and headed into his huge home. I followed behind and Matt after me.
Matt shut the door behind us and raised his eyebrows. "See?" He whispered. "Everything's gonna be okay."

To be honest, I don't know why I was so nervous. Things were going well and I couldn't wait to meet his mother.


sorry that this update took a while to complete but still, I hoped you liked it Dysheria🌸

recommendation shoutout;

| this update shoutout goes to 'Adopted by MagCon' by Caitlin_528 and you should all go and check it out please✌️thanks |

more updates to come soon!

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