Imagine #19: Nash&Evie

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Requested by: nashty__

~Evie's POV~

I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to light seeping through a gap in the curtains. I hated the mornings, especially when I wasn't able to wake up next to my boyfriend Nash. He was at work. It was pretty strange for him to be at work on a Sunday but he told me that there wasn't enough people in and they needed him right away. Of course, I didn't object. We didn't have anything special planned. Just another lazy day filled with chocolate and movies.

I stretched across the double bed, having enough room to move now that Nash wasn't here. It was kind of upsetting because I loved his company.

You could say I was living an 18 year olds dream. A boyfriend, with whom I shared a luxury apartment, a stable job and a happy relationship. It's something that I've always wanted, even as a little girl and now it was true.

I hurled myself out of bed and flopped down on the sofa, scrolling through all of the spam on my phone. I looked at the time. Nash said he'd be back for 1pm, which means that I have a few hours on my hands. It was currently 10am. I decided to take a quick shower and get dressed, putting a tad of make-up on and curling my hair slightly at the ends, hoping that maybe Nash and I could go for a romantic stroll or something later on.

After I had finished getting ready, I had nothing better to do than to walk around to my best friend, Camerons' house. He only lived a couple of blocks away and I didn't mind walking round.

Shortly, I arrived and approached the front door. I knocked on and waited. A moment later, I heard some rustling and finally the door swung open and he greeted me with a warm hug.

"Hey Evie! What's up? Everything okay?" He asked. He was always like this. Kind, gentle and caring. They were definitely his best qualities for sure.

"Yeah I'm good. I was just wondering if you'd want to come to Starbucks or something with me? Nash is working until 1 because of the lack of people available to work today, so I have some free time on my hands and I was thinking maybe you'd spend it with me?" I smiled, hoping that he would come.

"Of course I will! You know I'm a sucker for Starbucks!" He replied.

"Is that all you're coming for? Starbucks?" I laughed and playfully punched him in the arm.

"Err. No. Of course no-" He began.

"I know. I know. You're only kidding, it's fine!" I laughed as he walked out and locked the door behind him.

We travelled to Starbucks in his car because the nearest one was a good half an hour walk and honestly, I really couldn't be bothered. After all, I had practically just woken up!

After several minutes of driving, Cam pulled the car up in the parking lot. I was face to face with a typical white girls favourite place, Starbucks.

"What are you getting then?" Cam asked me, rubbing his hands together, excited.

"Definitely a tall, chocolate cream frappé. It's to die for!"

"OMG! Same!" He said, as we both laughed hysterically.

Cam held the door open for and I thanked him. We began to walk over to the till when I stopped in my tracks. My boyfriend, Nash Grier, the boy who claimed he was working, had his arms wrapped around another girls waist, kissing her neck.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

I could feel a few pairs of eyes glaring at me. Cam turned around and ran over to me.

"Evie, what's up?" He put his hands on my arms and tried to calm me down but it didn't work. I had tears streaming down my face, as I shakily pointed over to where Nash and this other girl was standing. He hadn't seen me yet. Cam turned his head in the direction I was pointing and quickly looked back at me.

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