Imagine #24: Cameron&Maryann

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Requested by: TheGriersAreBaes2

~Maryann's POV~

10 minutes. That's all I had to wait. 10 flipping minutes. I don't know why I was so nervous, all I was doing was going to the local nature park with my best friend of 3 years, Cam. Maybe it was because he made it more official, I don't know. All I knew was that the tension was crushing me inside out and I just wanted to head straight there.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by a bleeping noise. I glanced down at my phone and noticed a text from Cam.


Cam: I'm here :) x

I wondered what he meant by that because surely he would have just rung me and told me to meet him somewhere. That was before I heard a faint knock at the door, realising hit would be him.

I neatened up my outfit and brushed my hands quickly through my hair, finalising everything.

I had no idea why I was so nervous though. All he had asked me was if I wanted to go to the park for a stroll or something, and of course, I agreed.

I answered the door.

"Hey beautiful! How ya doin?" He greeted me with a big hug, something we always did when we met up.

"I'm good, you?" I returned the question.

"Good... Actually, I'm great! I'm soooo looking forward to today. I feel like we haven't spent time together in ages." He was referring to Magcon. These past couple of months, he's been in San Diego so I haven't been able to see him in a while.

"Yeah me too! Let's go!" I said, casually linking arms with him as we headed out of my house and strolled to the park.

Through the day, we walked and talked. Stopped off for a quick lunch at Taco Bell and climbed trees. All of the fun best friend stuff you do. We had just come across a rope tire that someone had made from previous years. This was the spot where we came when either him or myself were feeling down and we'd comfort each other, keep each other happy.

There was a seat attached to the end of the rope and I sat down on it gripping the rope really hard. Cam came from behind me an wrapped his arms around so he could reach the rope. He pulled it far back and quickly pecked me on the cheek sneakily, before letting the rope out of his grip, sending me soaring through the air. All I could think about was that kiss. Yes we were close, really close, but we had never, not once kissed one another. This definitely strengthened my feelings towards him.

The rope tyre came swinging back to where Cam was stood, still blushing form kissing my cheek before.

"Don't me mad." He said, looking down at his feet as I was hurling myself out of the tyre.

I walked over to him and didn't say anything. Instead I cupped my hands around his face and leant in for a kiss. He didn't object and cautiously moved his hands so they were positioned around my waist. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before he pulled out.

"I've never had the courage to tell you Maryann but I love you and I have done for a long time, I just didn't think you liked me back." He said, happily, hoping I was feeling the same way.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted to kiss you." I said and leaned in for a final kiss.


hope you enjoyed that Maryann❤️

I just want to say that this weekend I'm going away camping with school. I mean it's only one night but it starts early Friday morning and finishes late Saturday night so on both of those days I don't think I'll be updating but Saturday is a possibility..✌️

I hope y'all are liking my imagines and feel free to keep requesting as they are currently open...


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