Imagine #37: Taylor&Kyra

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Requested by: CaylenCloud_Caniffxx

~Kyra's POV~

It was the end of the annual summer basketball school competition and every grade was invited to watch the match in the sports hall. Each year me and my friends gathered to watch it because there was this guy that played, who also happened to be in all my classes, not to mention the fact that he was also very attractive. His name was Taylor Caniff. Captain of the Eagles. To be honest, we only watched the match to stare and be mesmerised by him. We followed his every move, our eyes only focused on him.

Yeah, it was fair to say I had a crush on him but he doesn't know who I am, so any chance of relationship between us is incredibly rare. In fact, we've only spoken once when I bumped into him in the hallway once and apologised. Other than that, I don't really think he knew about my existence.

Soon, the match begun and the Eagles got off to a great start, gaining a total of 60 points to 45 in only the first half. The way his leg muscles contracted when he bent down to jump up for the ball was totally jaw-dropping. I was shaken out of my day dream when I heard the familiar sound of a bell, signifying the half way point when the basketball players took a short interval.
"Drink?" I turned to ask my friends.
They all nodded as I made my way down to the refreshment stall they always put out just around the corner which also happened to be by the exit where the guys leave the hall. Maybe if see Taylor there.

As I approached the front of the queue and went to order, the woman serving me wasn't looking in my direction, instead she looked up slightly higher.
"Just a water?" She asked. I went to answer thinking she had a eye problem or something until I heard a deep voice coming from behind me. I turned around to see him stood there.
"Excuse me..." He said, shuffling through everyone making his way to the front. Obviously the players were of higher importance than us spectators and got first choice of drinks. He placed his hands on my hips to move me to the side and I blushed excessively and he smiled. He grabbed the drink off the woman and went back to his seat, winking at me.

The final half of the match seemed to go really slow and all I could think about was the sexy smile, the hair flip, the cheeky wink, well just him in general. Shortly the match came to an end after what seemed like hours and me and my friends headed out of the exit.
"Erm excuse me!" I heard a voice and some people mumbling and I turned around to see Taylor making his way through a bunch of people. I pointed at myself seeing as though he was looking in my direction.
"Yes you." Erm okay. It is me he wants.
"Yeah?" I asked my voice shaking nervously.
"Sorry about pushing you before. Had to get back to the team, you know?"
"Er yeah don't worry about it." I managed to smile without looking ridiculous.
I turned back around to return to the final lesson of the day.
"No wait." I heard him call. "You're Kyra right?"
"That's right." I nodded.
"And you're in my chemistry aren't you?" He enquired.
Again, I nodded.
"You see, I'm kinda struggling in that topic at the moment and you seem like the kinda girl that would be able to help a poor guy like me out." He clasped his hands together and stuck his bottom lip out.
I laughed. I didn't know he could be this soft.
"Sureeeee." I said, not wanting to sound to willing.
"Great, it's a date." He did another one of those cheeky winks that he did before, before returning back to his basketball team.


okay I don't know what the hell that was... I had a high school musical song stuck in my head and though about basketball so there's the end result anyway hope you liked it Kyra🙏

so incase you hadn't noticed I changed the covers of these imagines and my fanfic as well if you wondered what it was bc I get confused by this stuff all the time and can never tell which book is which when I'm reading them✌️

also, I very rarely do spell checks and stuff so that's why there's a lot of spelling mistakes and stuff so ya

have a wonderful rest of your summer

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