New Neighbors

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Jinyoung groans loudly when he's awoken by the blaring sound of a truck backing up, alerting the whole neighborhood that, at five in the fucking morning, their new neighbors were arriving.

Right next door

Jinyoung rolls over, burying his head under his pillow trying to block some of the noise but it isn't working. He hears his twin brother—older by 3 minutes 27 seconds and he won't let Jinyoung forget it— groan as well, telling Jinyoung to shut off his alarm.

"It's not my alarm you idiot" What kind of dumbass even sets their alarm on a Sunday? Jinyoung asks himself rolling back over and groaning again loudly.

"Well then shut up with your damn groaning" Jaebum huffs throwing his pillow across the room at Jinyoung. Jinyoung doesn't retaliate for once. Only grunting when the pillow smacks him in the face.

Jaebum clamors out of bed and over to the window. "Who in the fuck moves in at 5 in the mother-fucking morning?"

"I was wondering the same thing" Jinyoung agrees realizing he won't be falling back asleep.

"Boys! Are you up?" Their mother yells up the stairs. They answer yes in unison, Jinyoung sliding out of bed in his pajamas and Jaebum scrambling to put more clothes on than just his boxers. "Come down here please!"

They answer that they'll be right down. Jinyoung waits for Jaebum to get ready without really meaning to.

"Awww, how sweet, my little baby brother Jinyoungie waited for me?" Jaebum coos, slapping Jinyoung on the back.

"Yeah, whatever" Jinyoung pushes him away, leading the way through their door, the moment they hit the top of the stairs, they freeze. Hearing voices that don't belong to their mom resonating from the kitchen.

They turn around, trying to creep back to their room but of course, their mother knows them.

"Get down here you two"

They sigh, slowly taking the steps, it's too early to meet strangers.

"Ah, these are my sons Jaebum and Jinyoung, boys this is Mrs. Tuan, she brought us breakfast" His mother smiles gesturing towards the muffins on the table. Of course the early move doesn't bother her, always a morning person. She was probably awake before their truck rolled up.

They both bow and give their greetings, Jaebum is the first to take a muffin but he isn't the first to eat it. He lets Jinyoung try his first to make sure it isn't poisoned. Just kidding. Jaebum likes to drink a glass of ice water before breakfast. He claims it wakes him up for the day.

"How old are you boys?" Mrs. Tuan is asking as she accepts the tea Mrs. Im pours.

Jinyoung, always the polite one covers his mouth while he finishes chewing before answering "we just turned 17"

"Oh my son turned 17 in September, what school do you go to?"

Here, their mother abandons them for a moment, heading out to the storage room for some lemons.

"We attend Hansei High School, ma'am"

Jaebum almost snorts, Jinyoung's polite speech, funnier than it should be at almost 6. Jinyoung elbows him in the side, his bare side. And Jinyoung knows Jaebum is wishing he would've had the foresight to put on a shirt.

"That's the school my son will be attending, please take care of him!" She says excitedly clapping her hands together.

"What's his name?" Jaebum asks, setting his muffin down and wiping crumbs off of his hands.

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