Here We Go Again

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Coming back from their double date, Mark and Jackson help them to unpack the car and put the supplies away before Mark slinks back to his house, exhausted. Jaebum drives Jackson back to his house but he doesn't stay long, pulling up to his house less than an hour after he left.

Heeji is waiting in the kitchen for them, fully dressed and drinking a cup of coffee. "Mark and Jackson didn't want to say hi? How was the trip?"

"It was good, but they were tired." Jinyoung answers sitting down at the table and resting his head in his hands. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Work, one of my clients in going out of town so if I don't meet with them today I won't see them fora few weeks."

"Oh, good luck" Jinyoung mutters, he's half asleep though.

"Go upstairs sweetie, sleep in your bed."

Jinyoung nods but he doesn't move. They wanted to go fro a run around the lake before they left, but didn't manage it, what with Jackson and Jaebum not coming out of the tent long after sunrise and Mark shivering half to death, refusing to leave the sleeping bag before it warmed up. So he should go for a run before he takes a nap. Jaebum clearly agrees, although he is being more proactive about it, already lacing his shoes.

"Go change if you're coming with, season ain't over yet"

Jinyoung nods but doesn't respond. Forcing himself to jog up the stairs, he changes quickly and comes downstairs. They stretch on the front lawn together and then go. Its nothing crazy, just around the neighborhood since neither of them have the motivation or drive today to run very far.

When they get back, they take turns showering and then Jaebum, the most awake one of the two, makes lunch. They still have homework they should do, but neither of them move to grab it.

"We should probably take a nap, or we won't get anything done today" Jinyoung says, opening his eyes when Jaebum sets a sandwich in front of him.

"You're right, lets eat first"

"Do you think the newbies will be okay next Saturday?" Jinyoung asks after a pause.

"I hadn't thought about it, maybe we should warn them."

"Assuming Youngjae hasn't already"

"We have practice tomorrow, I'll let everybody know, I have to give them their new training schedules anyways."

"You finished those? When?"

"Friday, after we packed. I wanted to finish it before we left, yours is upstairs."

"Is it crazy?"

"Not any crazier than what you suggested" Jaebum laughs, finishing off his sandwich. "It will get us ready for the championships, if we can make it that far."

"The guys are pretty tough" Jinyoung puts his half eaten sandwich down, not super hungry anymore.

"Yeah, but stamina is going to be an issue for Mark and BamBam, they're fast, but they tire quickly, and I'm thinking of changing positions, if Mark can't keep up."

"Changing who?"

"I want to bring Youngjae off goalie, hes been working hard and I want to see how he does as a midfielder."

"Who would go to goalie then?"

Jaebum picks up Jinyoung's abandoned sandwich, taking a bite. "I'm thinking of putting Mark as goalie, do you know how he is?"

"We can find out tomorrow, play a few games that test everyone out in new positions"

"Sounds good," Jaebum stands up and clears their plates. "lets sleep for now"

They walk upstairs, dragging their feet the whole way. They are so bone tired they collapse on their respective beds and fall asleep.

At Youngjae's house he rolls over on his bed and grabs his phone, sending a quick text to BamBam asking if he wants to meet up. They would have seen each other yesterday if there had been a game, but since they are doubling up next Saturday for the other team, they haven't met.

BamBam is busy though, with his grandma or something, Youngjae doesn't read the whole text, just the part about him being busy before opening up Sehun's chat. Sehun isn't busy but he is working out at the gym, so if Youngjae wants to hang out he either has to wait, or meet up with him.

Deciding its better not to be a slug all weekend he rolls out of bed and changes. He can jog to the gym since it isn't far, and it would be a good warm up before lifting weights. He isn't in any special hurry, but he can feel how much faster he's gotten and he gets to the gym quicker than he normally would. Pleased with himself, he enters, waving to the guy behind the desk as he signs in, then goes to find Sehun.

He finds him near the back at the free weights, talking to someone. Youngjae can't see their face until he comes around the bigger machines, and he definitely wasn't expecting it to be Hanbin. Seeing that Sehun looks upset, Youngjae calls to him, waving to get their attention. Even though they look, he yells again, louder, which not only annoys everyone around him, it gets them watching them too, and Hanbin backs up a little.

"Hey guys!" Youngjae says again, when hes closer, standing next to Sehun. "Was I too loud?"

He puts his hand up to several of the people around him in apology, they just shake their heads at him. Hanbin is giving him a death glare, but Sehun looks like hes calming down a little.

"Hanbin, long time no see, whats up?"

"Bud out, Youngjae"

"We're going to work out together, so unless you need anything else, you can bud out" Sehun says, picking up the weight at his feet and starting on his reps again.

"What was that about?" Youngjae asks once Hanbin has left not only the weight area, but the gym.

"He was being an asshole, of course. Asking about Junhoe like he cares" Sehun rolls his eyes.

"Okay, but what did he want?"

"His team has another shot at the championships"

"What? NO, we beat them fair and square"

"Yeah, but another team had to drop out, I don't know why, but he said if they win enough matches starting Saturday that they'll be in it" Sehun shakes his head. "I guess he wanted to brag about it."

"To you?" Youngjae points at him, making a dumb face.

"No, to Junhoe"

"What a freak"

"Did you come here to talk or workout?" Sehun snaps, looking at Youngjae just standing there, casually leaning against a weight machine.

Youngjae puts up his hands defensively before picking up some weights. He's nowhere near the weight class that Sehun is, but he's gotten a lot stronger. He really wants to a: improve his goalie game and b: get a shot at another position. He knows he can't uproot Yugyeom or Kookie because of their legs, he could never cover the same ground as them, but he could be useful elsewhere.

When they finish working out, Youngjae invites Sehun over for dinner and he agrees, simply too lazy to cook anything for himself. Sehun's parents are home less than anyone on the teams, but its not because they travel or anything, they just work the longest hours of anyone ever. So Sehun goes to friend's houses as much as possible when he doesn't want to cook, which is most of the time. And the twins never mind having extra people around, so it works out.

Youngjae's parents make steak and steamed broccoli, but they finish eating by the time Sehun and Youngjae get home so they eat just the two of them. Normally they would text the chat and tell them the bad news, but they figure it will be better to do it tomorrow in person, when they get to see everyone's, especially Jaebum's, reaction.


Hey guys! I know this story was completed but after rereading it recently I wanted to add more chapters and hopefully get a sequel out! I've never been happy with the ending, so I wanted to fix it up. Thank you all so much for reading, commenting and voting! It always makes my day!

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