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"Where is Jinyoung?" Heeji asks Jaebum when he comes down the stairs alone.

"No idea" Jaebum answers, knowing full well that Jinyoung went to Marks house after school and he hasn't heard anything since.

"He didn't come home with you? Its raining buckets outside!"

"I'm sure he went to study in that cafe he likes, he'll probably text me when he wants a ride home" Jaebum shrugs.

Heeji sighs, looking at her reflection in the window. One night, just one night, she wants to be able to be with her family.

"Will you go get him now please? I want to have dinner together"

"Yeah sure" Jaebum doesn't hesitate, knowing he's fucked up Jinyoung's evening. He goes and grabs his keys putting on a raincoat and heading outside. He sends Jinyoung a quick text and drives halfway to the cafe, parking the car to wait a minute before picking Jinyoung  up at their meeting point.

"Oh fuck" Jinyoung curses, jumping off the couch and pulling his clothes back on. Mark sits up, obviously concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"My moms looking for me, Jaebum stalled but I have to go home" Jinyoung frowns, pulling Marks naked body against him for a quick kiss.

"Oh okay" Mark doesn't try to hide his disappointment. He thought Jinyoung would spend the night. "Will you still be able to help me study tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course" Jinyoung winks.

"I mean really study, because if I don't get 95% on my next test I wont graduate" Mark laughs like he isn't having a crisis.

"What?" Jinyoung blinks at him, not sure if he's kidding or not. "Are you kidding? Why didn't you tell me?? When is your test?"


"Friday??? Its Wednesday! What were you thinking!"

"I'm not good at math" It was Mark's attempt at a joke, but Jinyoung flies right by it, off the rails.

"You have like one day to study left, how are you not freaking out?"

Mark just kind of shrugs, he knows he should be freaking out, having an absolute meltdown, but he feels oddly calm about the whole thing. He doesn't think he's really going to pass, even with Jinyoung's help. He can try to make up for it in the summer.

"That means you'd get kicked off the team"

"Yeah, probably"

"Unacceptable. Meet me by the flagpole tomorrow after school" Jinyoung pulls his shirt on, pushing Mark unkindly back onto the couch, smiling down at him. "I just had to like an idiot"

"I'm not an idiot! I'm good at other things!"

"Oh I know" With another wink, Jinyoung is out the door and running across the neighbors lawn to meet Jaebum's car just down the block. He's soaking wet by the time he gets there.

"How was it?" Jaebum asks, pulling around the block just so it looks like they came from the cafe.

"I need your help"

"I am helping you"

"No I mean with Mark"

Jaebum glances at him worriedly, he is very unsure of where this conversation is going.

"Gross. Not with that. Mark is going to fail math, I need your help"

"That means he'd get kicked off the team"

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