The Reason

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After a pretty eventful week of intense practices and interesting developments, Yugyeom is happy to finally be playing a game. Although he is a little nervous; this is the match that will qualify them for the championships and hes nervous about how good the other team will be.

He looks at himself in the mirror, fiddling with his bangs. He should have gotten a haircut before, his bangs are so long. He smiles at his reflection, but it does nothing to mask how nervous he is. He hears the doorbell ring and his father answer it, since his room is just down the hall. A few minutes later Kookie comes into his room, saying 'yes, sir 'out the door before closing it.

Kookie sighs, leaning back against the door when its closed. He gives Yugyeom a tired look. "I really didn't think your dad was going to let me in, I had to tell him I was picking you up for the game before he would."

"I'm sorry" Yugyeom chuckles. Its usually like that. His dad has sent Kookie away before because he was just here three days ago.

"Its okay, I expect it" He crosses the room, already in uniform and leans against Yugyeom in the mirror. "He would probably be happy if you got a girlfriend"

"Yeah, probably"

"But I wouldn't be happy, so don't even think about it"

"I would never" Yugyeom laughs, pressing his lips silently to Kookie's cheek. They can't kiss in the house, out of fear of being heard, or worse, seen.

"You should change, if I'm here too long he'll think I lied, what if he didn't let you go to the game"

"That would be tragic."

"I'll wait in the hall" Kookie presses his lips against Yugyeom's quickly, noiselessly and then slips out the door.

His dad is standing at the end of the hall, cigarette in his hand, looking down at Kookie. He's always been a bit intimidating, even more so since they started secretly dating. Kookie is always worried about being caught, who knows what would happen, first here and then at his own house.

"He's changing" Kookie explains, leaning against the wall next to the door, still smiling. His dad just nods, walking away into the kitchen. Kookie lets out a breath, looking across the hall at Yugyeom's brother, Min-Jun's, door, still closed. He is probably sleeping actually. He only works on the weekdays and then sleeps all weekend, is what Yugyeom says.

"Oh Jungkook, you're here" Yugyeom's mom says, seeing him in the hall.

"Yeah, I'm just picking him up for the game, Sehun's outside"

"Oh dear, then he should hurry" But as soon as she is about to call out to him, he opens the door, ready to go. "Don't keep your hyungs waiting, Yugyeom"

"Sorry, mom" He closes his door and follows Kookie towards the front door, kissing his mother on the cheek before he goes. "I'll be back before dinner"

The one good thing is that they never come to games, ever. Neither do Kookie's parents, despite him being the star of the school, they never bother. That means that they can show light physical affection in public without getting in trouble. Sehun is waiting outside, but not impatiently. He already has Junhoe and Shownu in the car, so Kookie and Yugyeom slide into the back seat beside Shownu who passes them a bagel each.

"Did his dad give you a hard time again, Kookie?" Sehun asks, noticing how put out he looks.

"Yes," Kookie whines. "He almost didn't let me in."

Sehun chuckles, although he does feel bad for them. If he wasn't a guy he would let them come visit him often, but that would be worse. The only reason they get away with going to the twins so often is because Heeji is there and they trust her to tell them if anything is up. What they ought to do is find a chill female friend whose parents are either chill or never home and hang out with her, like Amber.

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