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Jaebum and Jinyoung are sitting opposite each other at the table, not speaking, when the team finally makes their way back downstairs. Sehun and Junhoe are chatting about a game they started playing, trying their best to lighten the atmosphere but its barely working. Jackson joins in immediately, to his credit, despite never having played it, he just does his best to keep the conversation going by asking questions.

Yugyeom picks a chocolate donut with sprinkles up and takes a bite. Seeing the photo on the table, he picks it up and looks it over, checking it for damage before hanging it back on the wall.

"Do you have the game with you? I'd like to see it" Jackson says, finally running out of things to ask about.

"No, I should've brought it, they have other games here though" Sehun caught on immediately to what Jackson was doing and decided to help him out.

"Maybe we can play one?" Jackson asks, turning back to look at Jaebum. 

"Sure, whatever" Jaebum smiles, but its still tense.

Together they pile into the living room where the games are. Mark takes it all in. It looks cozy in here, with soft blue walls and plushy furniture. There's a stone fireplace against one wall, with the only picture in the room. It's a picture of Jinyoung and Jaebum, with their soccer team, holding a trophy.

Mark squeezes onto the couch next to Sehun and Shownu while Junhoe sets up the game. Jaebum pulls Jackson into his lap and Jinyoung squeezes onto the other couch with Youngjae and BamBam while Yugyeom and Jungkook stretch out on the fuzzy carpet.

Sehun is pretty good at this game and Jackson is having a hard time keeping up.

Mark is fidgeting next to them. He wants to ask Jinyoung's about the photo but he's nervous about the kind of reaction he might have now. He's never seen Jinyoung's get angry, or yell he's never been there for a fight between him and Jaebum. Even when Jinyoung stopped that fight in the parking lot he was calm. Forceful, but calm.

He'd be lying if he said it wasn't a little hot. But also terrifying.

"You okay?" Shownu whispers, putting his hand on Marks leg to get his attention. "You look a little pale. Are you going to faint again?"

"I think I just need water" Mark lies.

"Help yourself" Jaebum smiles over at him, overhearing.

"Thanks" Mark stands up, and goes back into the kitchen to get the water. Heeji is at the table, a cup of coffee against her lips. Her eyes are closed, and she her chest is rising and falling in long intervals. It almost looks like she is asleep.

"Good morning" Mark whispers, self conscious, and a little concerned about waking her.

"Oh good morning Mark" Heeji smiles, setting her cup down on the table gracefully. Mark marvels, this woman is so poised, Mark could think she was a dancer.

"Sorry about the noise, did we wake you up?" Mark stays standing awkwardly by the entrance.

"Oh no, I was already up. I was just being lazy" Heeji chuckles. She doesn't usually stay in bed after she wakes up, but today she felt demotivated.

Mark nods unsure of what to say. He flushes thinking of their first interaction. She's being so nice to him.

"Do you need something?"

"I was just grabbing some water. Um, where are the cups?"

"They're next to the fridge. Do you like lemon in your water?"

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