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The next day the results are announced, so after school Youngjae drags BamBam over to the coaches office to look at the board.

Of course his name is on it, along with Mark's and Jackson's, Shownu's and a few others that BamBam doesn't know by name, but he's sure he would recognize their faces. He's so happy he can hardly react, anxiety replaced with joy.

"I knew you would make it! I'm so happy!" Youngjae grabs on and shakes him, grinning wildly.

He drops his arms and watches as BamBam finds his balance without the support. He bites his lip, looking away suddenly nervous. He forces himself to look at him again, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks.

"And hungry, let's go get something to eat, my treat?"

"Uh y-yeah, that sounds like fun!" BamBam turns, barely taking a step before he feels a hand on his head, tussling his hair.

"Oh look, you made it, good job" Jaebum smiles down at him, warmth in his eyes. BamBam doesn't have the chance to reply before Youngjae is bounding in front of him.

"I'm taking BamBam to eat, will you drive us there?" Youngjae beams up at him, and Jaebum can't possibly refuse. Youngjae has been trying for this all year.

"Yeah, let me tell Jinyoung" Jaebum sends Jinyoung a text as they walk to his car. They pass Jackson and Mark in the hall, but they don't stop, BamBam barely waves hello, completely caught up in Youngjae.

"Has he said anything to you?" Mark asks Jackson when they're out of earshot.

"Not a thing, he won't even sit with us at lunch" Jackson was trying not to let it bother him, but he misses his friend. BamBam ran away from them so quickly.

"I think I know why..." Mark trails off, and it wasn't just because he nearly got in a fight with Jaebum. Jackson doesn't ask him to explain though. " I think I should talk to Youngjae"

"Why bother?"

"Because I care what BamBam thinks of me" Mark shrugs, but hes telling the truth, he wants BamBam's friendship.

"That's sweet of you"

"How the fuck—" Mark whips around, wondering how they do that. Silent as mice until they're within a breath of you. "Don't sneak up on me!"

"Sorry, I thought you heard me, here's your shirt" Jinyoung holds out a plain white shirt, neatly folded. "Will you try it on? So I know we got you the right size"

Mark almost refuses, but if it means he'll get the chance to throw it back at Jinyoung he would. He takes the shirt and slips it over his head tugging it down, it feels nice, soft cotton but its way too big, falling down to his thighs and hanging awkwardly around the shoulders.

"Did you buy the biggest one they had? What the hell?"

"No, I just got my size"

Mark blanches, dizzy as he stares down at the shirt before ripping it off. That dumb bastard, how dare he make a fool out of him. He throws it back at Jinyoung, color returning to his cheeks and eyes glowering. Jinyoung has the wherewithal to look surprised, even worried, letting the shirt hit him in the face as he stumbles back.

"Keep the shirt, I don't need it" He can't even look at Jinyoung as he turns away, tugging Jackson after him. Jackson's mouth hangs open, he looks back at Jinyoung once, catching the way his bewilderment becomes a glistening sneer.

"Mark, slow down" Jackson begs once they're far enough away from Jinyoung "Please, stop pulling on me"

Mark drops his arm, but doesn't turn around, humiliation burning his cheeks. He felt pathetic wearing Jinyoung clothes—no not Jinyoung's clothes, he reminds himself, just Jinyoung's size. But nonetheless it isn't a comfortable feeling. He knows Jinyoung did that on purpose, just to mess with him, hes sure of it.

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