Romantic Weekend

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That Friday, Jackson spends the night at Mark's because Jaebum announces that they're going on a double date Saturday morning. Him and Mark are reluctant to wake up early, at 7 like Jaebum suggested; they wanted to sleep in since they don't have a game. But they're also excited because the twins refused to tell them where they're going. Jinyoung texts Mark to come outside at exactly 8.

They expect to go to breakfast or maybe to an early movie. When they get in the car—Jackson in the front with and Mark in the back with Jinyoung—they're each handed a coffee and told to get comfortable.

"So, where to?' Mark asks, looking over at Jinyoung then up at Jaebum. They both smile, but don't answer. Jaebum even turns up the music, effectively ending anymore attempts at conversation. Jackson glares over at him suspiciously but he only smiles, reaching over and patting his thigh.

Jaebum and Jinyoung are silent the entire car ride, both wearing identically lazy expressions of joy. Jaebum keeps his hand on Jackson's thigh, thumbing circles while they drive. Jinyoung holds Mark's hand between his legs, keeping it warm.

Mark can't help but admire Jinyoung, as gorgeous as he is. He looks especially nice today in a supreme shirt tucked into ripped jeans and a red hat; every so often Mark watches him adjust it, smiling a little wider each time. He leans against Jinyoung's shoulder, wanting to be much closer to him. Jinyoung gives him a little kiss on the head before looking back out the window.

Its a lot more stylish than Mark's own outfit of black joggers and a muscle T with a denim Jacket over it. He sips the coffee Jinyoung got him, looking out the window as a train passes by them. Mark likes to have the windows down but Jaebum and Jinyoung are keeping theirs rolled up, so he doesn't move to roll his down.

The sun is climbing just above the pine trees when they reach their destination. Jaebum and Jinyoung grin at each other when their dates mouths fall open at the view of the glistening lake beyond the dense trees.

"Its amazing" Mark breathes, stepping out of the car into the fresh air. There isn't a single other person in sight, no buildings and they hadn't seen another car for miles.

"We thought it might be nice to have a little camping trip, just us" Jaebum explains, walking around and opening the trunk. Inside there are two tents and two cases full of supplies alongside sleeping bags and blankets.

Together they unpack the car and set up the tents near a picnic table that obviously hasn't been used all year. Jaebum unpacks the only pre-made meal they brought and they eat an early lunch before setting off on the short hike nearby. Jaebum and Jackson take the lead.

The hike winds around the lake, threading between the trees. Its so quiet that they can hear every distant rustling as animals explore the area. It isn't bear country, Jaebum assured them, so they think it must be deer; maybe birds, although they have yet to actually see anything.

When they're done with their hike Jaebum pulls out a soccer ball and suggests they play a game.

"What, like, couple against couple?" Jackson laughs, actually thinking that Jaebum is pretty cute for suggesting it.

"Oh no, Jinyoung and I just want to prove we're better"

"What?" Mark and Jackson ask in unison. 

"Yeah, so lets play" Jinyoung says as he draws two lines in the sand. "It will be a small game"

"You're kidding, isn't this a date?" Mark asks, but he's taking off his denim jacket and retying his shoes.

"You two are unbelievable," Jackson shakes his head, staring at them in disbelief. "and you're going to lose"

"Not today"

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