False Promises

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"BamBam!" Youngjae yells, trying to get around the masses of people clogging the hallway. "BamBam, wait!"

Mark and Jackson both stop with him as BamBam turns, already smiling, watching Youngjae's mass of chestnut hair bob in and out of the crowd.

"Are you really trying out for the soccer team??" Youngjae takes both of BamBam's hands, his licorice eyes glittering.

"Oh yeah, well, I was thinking about it..."

"Yay!" He bounces up and down, his smile growing wider. "It will be so much fun! I know you'll make it! You are such a fast runner!"

Before BamBam can even blush, Youngjae squishes him in a hug, squealing.

"Holy, who is your friend? He is hot" Youngjae catches sight of Mark, whispering in BamBams ear before pulling away, still holding his hand.

"Right, sorry, this is Mark he just transferred here like a week ago, Mark this is Youngjae, he's in my grade"

"Nice to meet you" Mark gives a small wave and a smile.

"Nice to meet you too!"

"Mark is going to try out for the team with me"

"What?" Jackson swivels on Mark, confused, and Mark looks away just as fast.

"That's great!" Youngjae shouts, "we can become great friends!"

But neither Mark or Jackson is paying any attention to him, whispering furiously to each other in a language Youngjae can't understand.

"What are they saying?" Youngjae asks BamBam in a whisper, keeping his smile in place.

"I don't know" BamBam smiles too. Jackson only ever speaks Mandarin when he's upset, so BamBam can only guess.

"Jackson says he'll try out with us"


"Really? That would be great!" Youngjae beams "we are going to kill it this year, so much talent!"

"Yeah, we should get to class" Jackson says, grabbing Mark's arm and dragging him away.

"They seem... close" Youngjae laughs, squeezing BamBams hand.

"They're childhood friends"

"I'm excited to see you at tryouts, I know you'll make it" Youngjae hugs him again.

"Thanks Youngjae"

"Anytime! Now let's get to class!"

BamBam can barely keep up with Youngjaes energy as they skip to class.

Mark is in an even worse mood than any other day he's had to stare at the back of Jinyoung's stupid head. Jackson really chewed him out in the hall, luckily no one seemed to understand what he was saying, but it still hurt his pride. Especially since Jinyoung saw it as he came into class, and he hasn't stopped smiling since.

Jackson was really mad, like super pissed and Mark was understanding why. He didn't really want to try out for the soccer team, but he told BamBam he would so he was stuck. But it's not like he actually has to join, he can always say no. And then he forced Jackson into it.

"I hear you're trying out for the soccer team"

Mark didn't even notice Jinyoung turn around, or that they had been making eye contact as he was so caught up in how he was going to make it up to Jackson.

"I'm just going with a friend"

"Amazing, I had no idea you were so nice"

"How did you even hear about it?"

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