Lion Boy

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When Wednesday rolls around Youngjae tells Amber and Kai to come out to the field with them after class. Since neither of them have a car it will be better for them to ride together after its over. They walk with Youngjae out, a little awkwardly. They assume that people don't usually watch them practice.

To make things worse, Jinyoung and Sehun are arguing loudly on the field, about what they have no idea, but it feels like they shouldn't be watching it. Junhoe is trying to calm them down, and no one else is even out yet, which is very uncharacteristic of them. BamBam comes up behind them first, putting his arm around Youngjae.

"Whats going on?"

"I don't know, I wasn't gonna find out" Youngjae shrugs. They still haven't walked down the stadium steps, waiting for the argument to end, although it doesn't look like its anywhere near that point.

"I'll go ask" BamBam says, going past them before Youngjae can stop him.

Once he approaches them, he actually interrupts them to ask them what they're arguing about. They both look at him, and then past him to see Youngjae standing up top with Amber and Kai. Without anything else to do, Youngjae waves, but neither of them wave back. Jinyoung ends the argument by jabbing Sehun in the chest and walking away, Sehun says something after him, but Jinyoung doesn't turn around.

"Sorry you had to see that," Youngjae says, finally taking them down the steps. "That doesn't usually happen"

"Hey guys," Sehun says once they reach the bottom. "joining practice today?"

"Yeah, we're working on a project afterwards with Youngjae and Junhoe" Amber answers when Kai doesn't. Kai isn't even looking at him, his eyes trained firmly on the ground.

"That's good, I think Jaebum is going to get pizza tonight, what kind do you guys like?"

"I think we both like veggie pizza" Amber answers looking at Kai who nods.

"Awesome I'll tell him"

"I'll tell him" Jinyoung says, stopping Sehun and walking past him towards wherever Jaebum is.

"Whats going on?" Youngjae asks.

"Nothing, he's being dramatic, it'll be fine after practice" Sehun smiles pleasantly. "We should start running though, Jaebum is grabbing the gear. Coach won't be here today"

"How is he gonna get the gear then?" BamBam asks.

"He has a key, he was the coach" Sehun says, nodding towards the track. "Seriously, lets run"

They start and are quickly joined by Yugyeom and Kookie who got held behind in their last class for passing notes. The lecture mostly centered around this being the 21st century and both of them having phones rather than the fact that were passing notes, but whatever. Mark and Jackson show up later, with the cones and a few soccer balls.

Shownu comes last with the twins in tow. He looks pretty upset, who knows what about. Practice is shorter today than it is most days, but as Sehun said, everyone is fine by the end of it. He even shoves Jinyoung playfully and is not murdered for it.

Amber and Kai ride with Sehun, Junhoe, and Shownu. Since Youngjae wants to ride with BamBam, they go with Jackson, while the rest of the guys ride with the twins. Jaebum orders the pizza as soon as they get home. Jinyoung practically ignores everyone else to help Mark study for his test, even though it isn't until next Friday,  and Sehun sits beside Shownu, just to talk.

Youngjae and Junhoe sit down with Amber and Kai on the floor of the kitchen, with their poster board, to start going over the info they gathered and who should talk about what. BamBam sits with them, but since he isn't their class he does his own work, leaning on Youngjae's back.

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