Thinking of You

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Heeji sits in the kitchen with a cup of tea cooling in her hands, staring up at the mural of family photos across the room. Jaebum has long gone up to sleep, after letting her rewrap his hand, and Jinyoung has gone to Mark's after a tough argument.

She wishes her husband was here. He would know what to do about this. She always got to be the good guy, and the boys loved her for it. After he died, and suddenly she had to be both parents, it was hard and she knew it was tough for the twins to adjust. But they made it through.

This isn't the first time she's had to reprimand them. She's never approved of Jaebum's partying, but she let him go on the condition that he came home safety. She didn't have to worry about Jinyoung in that aspect. He was a perfect kid. But now she has a lot to worry about.

She had never wished her kids were different. But now she's wishing they listened better, were as disciplined as they were when they're dad was around. He could talk some sense into them.

She looks out the kitchen window and sees the lights go off at the Tuan's house. She doesn't like that Jinyoung is over there and she hates herself for pushing Jinyoung into a friendship—that obviously developed to more—with a boy like Mark.

Briefly she wonders what Mark's parents would think of this whole situation, and what that would mean for Mark.

The next morning Jinyoung wakes up and Mark is gone. But he doesn't worry about it, hoping it means he'll get breakfast in bed. He is surprised, but not disappointed when Mark comes through the door, wearing just boxers and holding two smoothies.

"Is that meant to be breakfast?" He teases.

"Yeah, they have everything you could ever need"

"Except solid food" Jinyoung takes the smoothie and sips from the straw while Mark watches him. "Hm, peanut butter"

"With banana, spinach and milk"

"Sounds nutritious"

"It is, so drink up"

Jinyoung drinks the smoothie without further complaint. He opens his arm so Mark will cuddle against him. When hes done he sets it on the nightstand, closing his eyes to rest. He only opens his eyes when Mark sits on his lap, cupping Jinyoung's face in his hands.

"You like this position, don't you?"

"I like looking down on you" Mark says, then takes Jinyoung's bottom lip between his teeth.

Jinyoung runs his hands up his sides, loving Mark's warm skin against his chilly hands. Its an intimate moment reserved or people who know each better, who have spent countless nights sleeping next to each other and waking up together. Jinyoung feels wrong for taking it, but lavishes in the wrongness, pulling Mark as close to him as he can get him.

They kiss for forever, until they can't ignore their hard cocks pressing against each others legs, rubbing on the thin fabric, itching to touch. Jinyoung helps Mark out of his boxers breath stuttering, before slicking up his fingers and working one into him. Mark squirms comfortably on top of him, cheeks red. He holds onto Jinyoung's shoulder for support and lets his eyes fall closed, sinking into the feeling.

When Jinyoung has a second finger inside him and is finding it easier ans easier to open him up, Mark reaches between them and grabs hold of Jinyoung. His cock is so pink and warm in Mark's hand, he can't to have it inside him again—just the thought makes him twitch.

He looks Jinyoung in the eyes just once, but finds he has to look away, unable to bear the weight of his gaze devouring every inch of his body. He feels uncomfortably exposed, spread in front and above Jinyoung, as he fingers him, attentive to every flex and clench he forces out of him.

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