Friend Or Foe

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"I can't believe I missed it! I'm never making up a test again!" Youngjae cries, crushing BamBam closer to him. "Ugh, I asked Jaebum-hyung to film it for me but can you believe he said no? I should've asked Yugyeom"

BamBam can only chuckle as Youngjae complains to him about missing his tryouts for his history test. Youngjae caught him right at the doors, apparently waiting for him, he glances at Jackson and Mark giving an apologetic shrug. They just smile back, how Youngjae is this energetic this early in the morning is beyond them.

"I heard you did great though, I found the coach after school and asked him and you definitely made the team! Oh I'm so excited!"

"Me too, Jackson, your stamina is fantastic" Jaebum interrupts their conversation, giving Jackson another wink. Jackson looks away, huffing.

"Don't be gross" Jinyoung scolds, smiling apologetically. "You did great too, Mark, you weren't kidding, you'd be a big asset to our team"

"Go kiss someone else's ass" Mark spits, glaring with all his might. But he can't stop the flare of arrogant pride in his chest.

"No kidding you guys!" Youngjae interrupts before Jinyoung can respond. "You two are awesome!"

Youngjae hugs Jackson, nearly getting his other arm around before Mark shoves him away harshly.

"Shove Youngjae again—" Jaebum grabs Mark by the collar, a growl coming from deep in his throat, he tugs Mark to him until Mark is close enough to feel the heat of his breath.

"I'm fine!" Youngjae chirps, trying to wiggle in between them. "Not everyone likes to be hugged I should have thought about it!"

"—and I will cut your fucking feet off, run then you stupid bitch"

"Please let go, Jaebum-hyung" Youngjae tries to pry his hand off, trying to stay cheerful, dreading the situation getting any worse. People have begun to stare, stopping at the doors to whisper. Youngjae can already hear the rumors spreading, already getting out of hand.

"Don't threaten him!" Jackson shoves Jaebum away as hard he can, effectively ripping Mark's shirt. "What the hell is wrong with you"

He pushes Mark protectively behind him.

"Let's all calm down" Jinyoung's smile is wide, and his words are light, but Jaebum and Youngjae know better than anyone, the threat hidden deep within them. "It was just a misunderstanding, Youngjae apologized, so we'll be on our way"

He takes Jaebum by the arm and lets Youngjae cuddle underneath his other as they leave. Youngjae mouths another apology to BamBam as they go. He didn't mean to start a fight.

BamBam smiles, hoping Youngjae understands. He hadn't expected Mark to react like that either, he didn't have a problem when BamBam hugged him suddenly, he wonders why Youngjae would have been different.

"Come on—" Jackson starts, reaching for BamBam's hand, but he interrupts him.

"Actually I'm going this way, see you guys later" BamBam tries not to make it awkward but he doesn't want to walk down the hall next to Mark after that. He gives a small wave, leaving through the doors so he can come back in at another entrance.

Mark and Jackson exchange a look but neither of them try to follow him.

"Maybe I should've—"

"You were laying out boundaries, Youngjae should have respected that" Jackson interrupts him before he can finish, pulling him towards their first class.

Mark knows that, but there were other ways he could have done that. He wishes he hadn't pushed Youngjae, instead just told him that he didn't want him to hug him, he's sure Youngjae would have apologized immediately, but it can't be helped now.

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