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"Don't slam the door, what is wrong with you?" Jaebum scolds as Jinyoung does just that, climbing into his seat.

"I could have taken him to the nurses office"

"You're mad about that?" Jaebum laughs, pulling out of the parking lot. "You would have been late for class, you've never been late before, how about a thank you?"

"I would have been fine—he passed out, just right there"

"The nurse said he stress fainted, so what were you two talking about?"

"Nothing, you know he doesn't talk to me"

"I know this was just a game to you, but he stress fainted, our teammate stress fainted"

"I didn't mean for him to pass out! I just asked him a question!"

"It doesn't matter now, he's fine, the nurse said he just needed to rest"

"I wonder if he'll stay on the team"

"I don't think he's a quitter, although maybe Jackson will talk him into it"

"Was Jackson okay? I don't remember him reacting"

"He was worried, but I don't think he really understood what happened until after I was gone" Jaebum shrugs, at least Jinyoung is calming down a bit.

"I thought you wanted nothing to do with Mark" Jinyoung says.

"I don't. I don't like him, he pushed Youngjae, I don't like the way he talks to you, but if you think I haven't noticed how you stare at him, you'd be wrong. You were strung from the moment he stepped into our kitchen"

"Oh shut up, I'm just trying to be his friend, like—"

"Don't say 'like mom wanted' mom doesn't care about him, her friendship with Dorine is going great"

"Mom cares about everyone"

"Whatever, just don't pretend this is about her, when we both know—"

"Just shut up"

Jaebum stops teasing him, feeling annoyed himself. The last damn thing he wanted was for Jinyoung to start crushing on Mark. Its too bad, so many people in the school like Jinyoung, so many better people. Its such a shame. Jaebum shakes his head, running his tongue along his teeth.

"What?" Jinyoung snaps, ready to fight.

"Nothing, man, chill or walk home" Jaebum pulls off to the side of the road, unlocking the doors. He stares Jinyoung down, sick of the attitude.

"Fuck you" Jinyoung gets out of the car, slamming the door for emphasis, he flips him off as Jaebum drives away. Jaebum didn't even hesitate.

"That asshole" Jinyoung growls, angrily slinging his bag onto his back.

"Did he seriously just leave you here?"

Jinyoung swivels around, surprised to find Jaehyo coming out of the diner behind him, sipping from a pink shake.

"I guess that's Jaebum for ya" Jaehyo laughs, ignoring the murderous look Jinyoung is giving him. "Want me to walk you home?"

"I thought you had a car"

"I do, but I walked here, I only live like 5 minutes away" Jaehyo points towards the park, and then flips his hair as he looks back at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung stares at him for a minute, silent. Jaehyo is uniquely pretty, with chestnut hair and big round eyes. He has a nice body too, lean and athletic.

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