Surviving the Fall

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Mark isn't too concerned about the outfit or the yelling but he's very concerned about Jinyoung collapsing to the floor, clearly sick. He yells for someone to help lift him and is surprised when its Sehun, looking entirely sober, that scoops Jinyoung up in his arms and carries him outside through the back door to the front yard.

There are smalls streams of people milling about, all of the them clearly too drunk to deal with anyone's problems. Mark can still hear shouting from inside.

"Stay out here with him, Yugyeom will be out in a second"

"Wait—" But before he can ask what the hell is going on, Sehun is running back into the house. True to his word, Yugyeom and Jungkook leap off the porch a few moments later.

They help Mark lift Jinyoung into Yugyeom's car. They aren't graceful about it, but Jinyoung doesn't complain, too out of it to care much whats going on around him. He's sweating profusely and his breathing is uneven.

"What the hell is going on?"

Yugyeom tries to give him a reassuring smile, but currently he's feeling beyond hopeless. "Jaebum is probably going to jail"


"He's being dramatic" Jungkook says quickly, hitting Yugyeom on the arm. "But we'll have a lot of cleaning up to do when we get back, he beat that guy pretty badly"

"Back from where?"

"The hospital. Heeji is going to kill us" Yugyeom grips the steering wheel, furious. Mark looks down at Jinyoung's red face and curses. Of course. Jinyoung only had one drink. So what was in it?

When they get to the hospital there are already a few girls from the school that Mark recognizes, but doesn't know by name. Jungkook hugs one of them when they get out of the car while Yugyeom helps Mark get Jinyoung inside.

The nurses take Jinyoung away to run tests and clean his system. They offer Mark some clean pants to replace the ones covered in vomit. Once they're settled in the waiting room, Mark freaks out, furious, demanding an explanation.

"Jaebum saw some guy from another school slip something into a girls drink, of course he confronted him, but the guy obviously denied it so Jaebum didn't do anything until later when he saw him trying to take her upstairs and she was stumbling all over the place so Jaebum separated them, and Jackson brought the girl to her friends who drove her here. Jaebum tried to just throw the guy out but he put up a fight, so Jaebum got into a fight, won, and that's when Sehun saw Jinyoung throw up on you, and figured he was probably drugged as well" Yugyeom finishes, taking a deep breath. He almost wishes Jaebum had killed the guy, but he probably just ran off. As worried about police intervention as Jaebum should have been.

"And you brought me here! What am I supposed to do now that bunch of angry people are at my house unsupervised when a fight broke out!"

"Relax, Sehun and Jaebum will clear everyone out" Jungkook sounds tired, and Mark realizes that he is too. They played a good game this morning and now, barely 12 hours later they're tipsy in the hospital waiting to hear how their drugged friend is doing.

"Of course he picks tonight to start drinking real alcohol" Yugyeom drops his head into his hands, his stomach sinking.

"You can't blame Jinyoung for getting drugged" Jungkook rests his head on his love's shoulder, rubbing his back soothingly.

"I'm not, I just don't understand what would possess him to drink anything, let alone something a stranger handed him"

"Does he not normally drink?" Mark asks.

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