Two Birds with One Stone

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"Are you alright?" Jackson asks again when he sees Mark outside the school. "I was worried yesterday"

"I'm okay, it was just stress" Mark lies, shrugging it off. He knew this would happen, Jackson has always been way too empathetic. Normally its something Mark has liked about him, but right now its annoying. They're headed through the doors when Shownu runs up to them.

"Mark, are you okay? You scared us yesterday" He doesn't squeeze Mark into a hug like Jackson had, but stands a respectable distance away, swaying nervously.

Mark gives him the same answer and Shownu nods. Shownu isn't fully convinced, but he doesn't feel its his place to comment. He walks with them through the school as Jackson talks.

He's telling Mark about the documentary he watched in history yesterday, figuring that the last thing Mark wants to think about is fainting in the middle of the cafeteria yesterday where the whole school saw him.

It's hard not to think about it, though, since every single person in the halfway is looking at him, and whispering not so sneakily behind their hands. But Mark doesn't care as much as he thought he would. And it's an amazing feeling. He raises his chin a little higher than he had it, and puts on a blank expression. Jackson's story fades into the background and Mark stares at a point on the wall in the distance and focuses on putting one foot artfully in front of the other.

He is used to attention, his face gets him enough of that, this is really no different.

When they turn the corner he spots Jinyoung and feels his stomach flip, but he doesn't let it show, picking a new point on another wall and walking on. He sees Jinyoung look at him, and then look away smoothly.

As Mark glides by, without even glancing at them, Jaebum scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. He can't help but smirk after them, Shownu trailing Mark and Jackson like a puppy. Mark looked vicious for a moment.

"Who does he think he is?" Youngjae laughs, waving at Shownu when he sees them.

"Maybe we'd get along better than I thought" Jaebum says.

"You two would go to war" BamBam says, flushing when everyone looks at him, surprised by the comment.

"You might be right" Jaebum pats his back, chuckling.

Jinyoung is annoyed at Mark for not stopping to say hello, and for not thanking Jaebum but mostly for not even looking at him, but he'll be damned if hes going to let anyone know that.

"Oh I needed to ask Jaebum something..." Jackson remembers as they turn another corner, looking back over his shoulder.


"It's just about the game on Saturday"

"It's a home game, if that's what you're wondering" Shownu supplies, smiling over from Mark's right.


"A home game..." Mark mutters to himself. He's wondering if the coach will even put him in the game. And he doesn't know which he is hoping for. He feels hollow. He thought coming to school and seeing Jackson and doing some work would make him feel better. But he doesn't feel any different.... not since seeing that guy walk out of Jinyoung's house.

In Social Studies, they've finished their essays and are back to their original seats. Which means Mark has the pleasant sight of Jinyoung's back to stare at, for a whole hour and a half. Mark tries to stare only at the board.

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