Party Time

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Jinyoung was right about his idea. They got twice the turn out they usually do and the crowd was alive. Jaebum spotted their math teacher and waved. She seemed as surprised by the turn out as they were.

Jaebum isn't the slightest bit worried about the game, he knows they'll win. This team has never beaten them, and they haven't gotten any better players.

They celebrate a shining victory, and every single spectator in their stands is screaming their excitement. There's going to be a party.

Their math teacher doesn't get a chance to congratulate them on the win since they are bombarded by their classmates, each one wanting to confirm 100% that there is going to be a party. They tell them all not worry, and try to hurry everyone away so they can go get ready themselves. The rush doesn't stop Jaebum from trying to harass Jackson a little.

"Are you going to the showers?" He winks, making an obscene gesture.

"No" Jackson looks around to see if anyone is noticing what Jaebum is obviously implying. "Never again"

"Are you going to help Mark set up?" Jaebum changes the subject easily.

"Yeah, I brought a change of clothes, and I'll shower at his house"

"Cool, I'll come too"

"You will not"

"To help Mark set up for the party, don't be gross"

"You were the one—"

"Coming?" Mark calls to Jackson, already headings towards the car.

"Don't" Jackson holds up a hand, knowing full well Jaebum is about to say something stupid. He leaves Jaebum with his mouth open, the words never leaving, as he jogs to catch up with Mark.

"What was that about?" Mark asks.

"Jaebum was being a pervert" But Jackson is the one thinking of Jaebum naked and wet, crouched over him in the locker room shower just the same. Of the way Jaebum moaned his name, and jerked him just right,  grateful that he's carrying a jacket in front of him. "He also offered to help set up the party"

"That would be good, I need to hide some stuff in my parents room so I can lock that door, Jaebum can help carry the heavy stuff"

"What, like I can't?"

"You can, I don't want to"

Jackson chuckles, that's just like Mark. Lazy as hes always been.

Once at Mark's house, they shower and start cleaning and taking the vases and valuables upstairs to Mark's parents room. Jackson brought a change of clothes and looks set for a fun evening. Hes wearing a blue button down with half the buttons undone and a white tank top underneath, tucked into black leather pants. It looks uncomfortable to be moving things in it, but he hasn't complained.

Mark hasn't gotten ready yet, not that hes planning on wearing anything complicated; just a black shirt with the roots logo and some white and black striped loose fitting pants. The stripes are vertical and the pants fall just above his ankles so he knows he'll be comfortable when the party starts to get hot. And he can just slide right out of them, but its more of an after thought.

Jaebum shows up around 9 when they said the party would start around 10. Jackson is the one that opens the door, and at first Jaebum just stares at him, a blank look on his face, before he reaches out and takes his hand. Then immediately tries to drag him over to his house.

"Jaebum!" Jackson slaps him on the arm trying to get him to let go.

"I was just kidding" Jaebum lies, a low growl playing at the edge of his voice. Jackson knows he was not kidding, and that it would have been a very eventful evening and would not have included the party.

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