Before the Full Moon Rises

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The thing about championship games, it that scouts attend them. Although none of them are seniors yet, it's still a good opportunity to get their attention. They know that if no one else expects anything form them, the scouts do. They had been approached and congratulated by a few of them after their first successful championship, since it was a no name high school that hadn't had a team the year before, they made quite an impression.

This year, walking out onto field to put their stuff by the benches, they are greeted by the same people they met two years ago. Namely, Daeho Chong, who had a wonderful conversation with the twins when they won that year.

"Jinyoung, Jaebeom!" He calls, quickly moving down the bleachers towards them.

"Mr. Chong, how are you?" Jaebeom greets him first, shaking his hand. They move off slightly to the side so they don't interfere with people trying to find their seats.

"I'm doing well, how are you two?" They tell him that they're doing well, excited for the game. Genuinely, he is a nice man, and although he is a talent scout, their conversations have been comfortable. "I'm looking forward to another win this year"

"We are too, actually, this is our ideal team," Jinyoung says, looking back at the players, who are trying to not be too obvious about watching them talk to a talent scout.

"Really? How so, if I may ask?"

"We played with most of them for years in the same club and finally our youngest friends, Jungkook and Yugyeom, have made it to high school to play with us again" Jaebeom points out the two of them. "Kookie is the star of our team, always has been"

"He must be very good if that's coming from the two of you" Mr. Chong laughs. "I'll keep an eye on them as well. I did want to talk to you again, cement my school's interest"

"We are still only juniors, sir" They had to tell him the same thing freshman year, when he was actually sure they had to be older.

"Believe me, I know, but we would never want to lose the opportunity to have great athletes and students like you join us" Mr. Chong passes them each a packet of papers. "It's just the school catalog, I wanted to make sure I gave it to you so you can what programs we have, see if your academics interest you at all."

"We appreciate it" Jaebeom says, bowing lowly. Jinyoung follows, trying not to grin. They have to head back to their team, waving goodbye to their old friend. Actually they already know what the academics are like at Winter Green Valley University. The moment they got home after the games they looked it up and they love it. It has a fantastic chemical engineering program, which is what Jinyoung wants and an even better biology program for Jaebeom.

The only problem is that its hours away from home, so they have to think about whether or not they want to leave their friends. Although they can agree it would be nice to move to a new place, meet new people, they would be sad not being able to play with their friends whenever, and leaving their mom would be hard as well. Sehun grins at them when they join the group again, slipping the packets into their gym bags.

Mark watches this with his heart in his throat. Of course they would already have scouts after them, even Kookie has been stopped by a few, but he just tells them all he has years before he graduates and sticks close by Yugyeom. It's just surreal to watch them, looking so grown up. Mark is older than them by a few months, but he feels like a kid, years behind them.

First is their semifinal match with tomorrow being the final match. Before the games begins, they see Hanbin and Jaehyo walking towards them. Unusual, but true to spirit Jaehyo is smiling and waving and so they wave back, even though it looks like it upsets Hanbin.

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