My Youth

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On Thursday after school, they all head to the twin's house to make a special dinner. Since they have to travel for the championships, they have the day off of school tomorrow to make it and will be staying in a hotel. So until everything begins they want to have one dinner together here.

They had to go shopping first at two different store so while Sehun took one group, Jaebeom took the other, abandoning half his party meaning everyone but Jackson, at the store so he could home before anyone else. Jackson laughs as Jaebeom pushes him through the door, dropping their school bags by it as they kiss.

"Jinyoung is going to kill you for that"

"It'll be worth it" Jaebeom grins. "Sehun will pick them up"

Jackson doesn't argue, just shaking his head before leaning in to kiss him again, undoing his jacket as he does. They don't have a lot of time, once Jinyoung realizes Jaebeom and Jackson left, they'll only have twenty minutes, tops before they get here. That doesn't stop Jaebeom from walking them towards the stairs. They don't even make it up them though because as Jackson's heel hits the first step, he trips backwards. While Jaebeom does catch him, he still lays him down right there on the steps, sliding his hands up his loose shirt.

Jackson only protests a little as the edge of stairs dig into his back, but Jaebeom reaches around him and holds him up with his arm, intent on keeping their kiss going while he can. He loves kissing Jackson, his lips are so soft and warm, fitting against his own perfectly.

"Jackson~" Jaebeom coos, moving to kiss his jaw, his neck. "I love you~"

Jackson threads his fingers up into Jaebeom's hair, gasping and he nips at his pulse. "I love you too"

They only warning they get that anyone is home is the quiet click of the lock being unlocked and then Jinyoung is through the door and Jaebeom is scrambling to get up so at least they'll be on the same level when he hits him.

"I can't believe you left us there just to come home and make out!" Jinyoung yells after hitting him in the chest, but then Mark is passing grocery bags into his hands so he can pick Jackson up off the stairs.

"Yah, rude" Mark agrees, but he's grinning at Jackson who shrugs. They should have gone upstairs while they had the chance. Things could have gone farther.

Jaebeom helps Jinyoung bring the bags Mark foisted off on him into the kitchen to unpack everything.

"We made it" Sehun says, collapsing into the kitchen chairs, keys hitting the table with a loud rattle. It feels like a dream. Sure, they won their 1st year, and won plenty of trophies with the club, but this is the first time they've made it all together.

"Don't look so shocked" Jaebeom sits across from him, smiling as Jackson sits in his lap, everyone else still up and about cooking.

"I'm just happy" Sehun smiles back. "And we get to travel this time, I hope I'm rooming with a cute boy"

"You're rooming with me" Junhoe says, standing up from where he was grabbing pans out of the bottom drawer.

"Ah, no luck then."

"Does someone get their own room? Since we only have the 11 of us?" Shownu asks.

"No," Junhoe gives him a pitying look. "You're also rooming with us"

"We originally only got 3 rooms since each one has two beds, we would all share a bed except for you," Jaebeom explains. They've done this every year they've made it to the championships, it saves money on rooms so they can spend it on food.

"Oh, that's okay" Shownu shrugs.

"For you, maybe, but while you have your own bed, I have to share with him" Junhoe points at Sehun.

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