Crash & Burn

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"What the hell were you two doing??" Jinyoung asks the moment he sees them at practice, grabbing hold of their arms and dragging them away from where the others are doing drills. "We were worried about you!"

"Its fine, Jinyoung, calm down, we took care of it" He glances behind him at the guys, who paused their drills to watch, but notice him staring and go back to work. "The coach isn't here yet?"

"Don't tell me to calm down, where were you?" Jinyoung moves to block his view of everyone else, needing him to focus.

"We found that guy and talked to him, it was simple" Sehun says, gently taking Jinyoung's hand off his arm.

"Simple? What did you do?"

"We talked to him" Jaebeom says.

"Then what? Someone saw you two, you know, you" Jinyoung jabs Jaebeom in the chest. "better go clear things up with your boyfriend."

Jaebeom rolls his eyes. "Whatever Jackson knows I would never—oh shit actually he looks pretty mad."

"He's probably madder about the fact that you couldn't even text us to let us know you were fine? You think I'm an idiot? You think I didn't know immediately that you two went to ~talk~ to him? I know you Jaebeom, I'm your fucking brother. Don't keep this shit from me" Jinyoung storms off, not giving him a moment to stop him.

He doesn't even want to look at him anymore, it's one thing to not respond when he could have and another to go after someone and not tell him, but then to lie right to his face about it even though he could have been in danger, is something else. And this close to the anniversary no less. Even though practice isn't over yet, in fact its barely started, Jinyoung goes to the locker room to get his clothes. He wants to go home now, give him a chance to cool down before Jaebeom gets home and they get into a real fight about it.

"Jinyoung?" Mark comes up behind him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?

"I'm fine, just going home"

"Do you want to come to my house? We can study together there"

"Yeah, that's a good idea, thank you" Jinyoung kisses him, helping him carry his stuff as they leave the building. They don't have a car to take so they walk together, taking some back roads to avoid being found. If anyone even comes after them.

Mark's mom is home when they get here, but after a brief hello they head up to Mark's room to study. Well, they say they're going to study, they even get their books out, but the moment they're sitting on Mark's bed, Jinyoung pushes him down climbing on top of him to kiss him deeply. They never picked up where they left off in that alleyway.

Forgetting about that fact that his mom is just downstairs and that they definitely shouldn't be doing this, Mark moves one hand up into Jinyoung's hair and the other he places on his lower back, slowly moving it up under his shirt. Mark is wearing a loose pink short sleeve button up so instead of undoing the buttons, Jinyoung just slides his hands underneath it, loving the way it boxes him against his skin.

He loves Mark's body, every angle and curve, love the way he parts his lips and chases his kiss. Jinyoung breaks their kiss to trail his lips along his jaw, and down his neck, mouthing at the spot where it meets his shoulder. Mark bites back a moan, clenching his hand in Jinyoung's hair as he wraps one leg around him to pull him closer. They had just been kissing, but as Mark pulls him closer Jinyoung starts to rock against him. Mark licks his lips, opening his eyes to watch as Jinyoung pulls back, spreading his legs just bit more before laying back completely in between them and kissing him again.

Mark has Jinyoung's shirt almost completely over his head when someone knocks on the door and it starts to open. They both scramble up, reaching for any book or paper close enough to look like they were studying the whole time. She is just offering them some snacks and they thank her, letting her set the tray in front of them. She's just happy that someone is willing to help Mark with math and Jinyoung just smiles. Anything for a teammate, he says, and she smiles again before leaving them alone. When she's gone, Mark drops his head into his lap, groaning. That could have been bad. Its not that he thinks his mom would care too much, she obviously didn't demand that BamBam and Jackson never come over again when she found out they were gay, but he's not really... out yet. He at least hasn't told them, more concerned about his dad finding out.

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