Unusual Happenings

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Waking up next to Mark is quickly becoming Jinyoung's favorite thing. Hes so cute in the morning, his face is puffy from sleep and his hair is always a mess. Best of all, Mark stays glued to Jinyoung's side and nothing is better than waking up with him in his arms. Jinyoung stretches slowly, turning on the lamp and nudging Mark awake in the process. Mark groans, shifting to look at the clock. They still have another hour before they have to get ready for school.

"Jinyoooung" Mark whines, squeezing his eyes shut against the light and retreating to the other side of the bed.

"Morning" Jinyoung chuckles, dragging him back against him to run his hands through his hair.

"Why are you awake?"

"I have no clean clothes here so I have to go home"

"Just borrow some of mine"

"Yeah, stick boy," Jinyoung snorts. "your clothes are not going to fit me"

"Whatever, go naked for all I care, but first go back to sleep"

"No no," Jinyoung wiggles out of Mark's grip and stands. "I have to get my own clothes, why don't you come with me? I'll make breakfast"

"I don't know if that's a good idea..."

Jinyoung kneels by the bed, resting his chin on his hands. Mark looks adorable, peaking up from the pillows at him, a worried knot to his tired face.

"I just—won't your mom be there? I think she hates me"

"She doesn't hate you, she's just angry with me"

Mark shimmies across the bed to give Jinyoung a little kiss, wanting him back on the bed.

"Come over, I'll make breakfast if it isn't already made, and if anything we can tell her we are dating whether she likes it or not"

"You're ridiculous" Mark has to look away, to hide his growing blush. "You'd really keep dating me even if she wasn't okay with it?"

"Yeah, duh" Jinyoung says it likes it no big deal. But to Mark it is, being gay, there's like, extra pressure to pick someone your parents like, at least that's how Mark feels. So for Jinyoung to just dismiss it... "I'm not giving you up so easily"

Mark smiles, closing his eyes. Jinyoung pets his hair kissing the top of his head. Mark is almost falling back asleep when Jinyoung shakes his shoulder again, grabbing his hand to pull him out of bed.

"Now come on, we can shower here first"

Once they're showered, Mark gets dressed in a nice pair of black jeans and a baggy black shirt that he thinks probably would have fit Jinyoung. They walk across the lawn slowly, hand in hand, enjoying the wet morning air. The lights are on in the kitchen and Mark braces himself for the worst, while Jinyoung just squeezes his hand tighter. He wouldn't put Mark through anything bad, if its starts to go a way he doesn't like, he'll just send Mark home and they'll forget they ever tried to gain his moms support.

He doesn't think it will go badly, pleased when Jaebum is also at the table, knowing he will involve himself if his mom starts to attack them at all.

"Morning" Jinyoung greets them both, while Mark gives a little wave.

Heeji doesn't greet them, simply stares at their interlocked hands in tense silence. Jaebum nods at them, before looking at his mom.

"Hungry? There's plenty left" Jaebum gestures towards the stove where piles of pancakes and bacon are. Jinyoung pulls Mark through the kitchen, seemingly oblivious to the fact that his mom does not want him here, and pulls out two plates for them.

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