Study Buddies

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"Listen Mark, I know you transferred just a few months ago, but you shouldn't be this far behind"

"I can still pass though right?"

"Full disclosure, if you get anything less than 95% percent on the next two tests, you can't"

"Could I be kicked off the team?"

"That really shouldn't be your biggest worry right now," His teacher had sighed, rubbing her eyes with her palms. "If you don't pass, you don't graduate"

Mark's entire life had flashed before his eyes; he knew that if he didn't graduate that would be the end of it.

"I'll pass the tests"

"With flying colors" His teacher enunciated, but Mark didn't get what that meant.

The conversation plays again in Mark's head as he walks down the stairs to say goodbye to his parents. That was two days ago, and now that's its Wednesday, with his first test being Friday, hes starting to panic.

"Are you going to be okay this week?" Dorrine asks, setting her suitcase by the door.

"What kind of a question is that? I'm almost 18"

"I know, but you'll always be a kid in my eyes" Dorine hugs him. She didn't want to leave for the whole week, but her husband talked her into it.

"I'll probably have Jackson stay with me" Mark assures her.

"Then I'll leave enough money for both of you to live on"


"Don't go crazy, " Raymond says. "No parties, clean up after yourself, and go. to. school. this isn't a vacation"

"I know, dad"

"You say that" He gives Mark a look that says he has learned from his mistakes. "At least I know Jackson is responsible"

Dorine lingers at the door until Raymond is out of earshot before tilting her head up so Mark will lean down for a kiss on his cheek.

"If you do have a party, just try not to break anything" She smiles before the closing the door.

Mark laughs once, crossing his arms. He goes to the window and watches their car pull out of the driveway. He pulls out his phone to text Jackson but never actually manages to send the text, thinking for the first time that the silence might be nice.

The peace would have to wait though, since he has to rush to get ready for school. And he didn't tell his parents, but he couldn't party this week even if he really wanted to, because he is in serious trouble of not graduating. And this week, this test, is kind of a... well, make or break moment.

"You look... sweaty" Sehun greets Mark as he approaches his locker, slapping him on the back.


"Is something wrong? Are you being bullied?"

"Only by you" Mark smiles. He hadn't expected to befriend Sehun, but if hes honest, he likes him the most of all the new friends hes made.


"I have a favor to ask"

"Of course you do" Sehun smiles, leaning against his locker.

"I need your help passing my math test"

"What kind of math?"

"Uhhh, let me..." Mark starts pulling papers out of his bag.

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