Practice Makes Perfect

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To Jackson's complete and utter shock, Jaebum looks up at him when he walks into biology, and winks. Jackson could just punch him, what is with this guy?

"What the hell?" Jackson grumbles, plopping down into the seat next to him.

"What? Is there something in my teeth?" Jaebum grins, leaning in like Jackson might actually look for him.

"I thought you weren't talking to me"

"So you do care" Jaebum clutches his heart swooning dramatically.

"As if" Jackson turns away, wishing he hadn't said anything, but at least biology wont be so awkward now.

"So will you be there?"


"First practice is today, will you be there?"


"Good, I'll look forward to it"

"I said maybe"

"I know maybe means yes, otherwise you would just say no" Jaebum winks again, a sweet smile on his lips.

Jackson doesn't want to admit that he's right, turning away with a shrug. It doesn't stop Jaebum's grin, as he rocks back in his chair, noiselessly.

"I'm serious, you're a great athlete, I'm happy to have you on my team"

Jackson blushes a little at the compliment, unused to the serious tone Jaebum is using.

"I was an Olympic fencer" Jackson says, panicking immediately after, what was he trying to impress him? "You don't deserve me on your team"

"Oooh, should I bow to the king?" Jaebum's tone is playful once more and Jackson sighs, this is a Jaebum he can handle. "On my knees? I'm not worthy, your majesty"

Jackson has to suppress a snort, he cannot let Jaebum know he thinks he's funny.

"That would be a good start" He doesn't have to look at Jaebum to know he's smirking at him, he can feel it, like a 6th sense. Thankfully, starts before Jaebum can reply.

When Jackson can school his features he looks up at the teacher, glancing at Jaebum dutifully taking notes beside him. Hes such a mystery. Jackson smiles just a little, but his smile instantly falls into a frown. Oh no...

After school is their first practice, and when the new guys officially join the team by showing up and accepting wavers and submitting their uniform sizes. BamBam is shocked when he sees Mark and Jackson walk into the gymnasium, he didn't think they would come. He nudges Youngjae in the side, tilting his head towards them.

Youngjae's eyes glitter when he sees them and he runs right over, stopping an appropriate distance away.

"I'm so happy you two are here! So unexpected!" It wasn't unexpected, in fact just an hour ago when he was printing off the ordering sheet for the uniforms he had asked if he should cross their names out and Jinyoung told him that he was 100% certain Mark would be there.

And Jinyoung is always right.

"What are your sizes?"

It takes Mark and Jackson each a moment to catch up, barely catching that Youngjae was gathering uniform sizes. Mark pales at the thought of Jinyoung having access to that, but gives his size anyway, feeling like an idiot.

Youngjae writes them down without comment and turns to walk back to BamBam but Mark stops him.

"Hey, sorry for pushing you the other day"

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