How Not to Make Friends

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The next morning Jinyoung wakes up to his and Jaebum's alarms ringing simultaneously. He roles out of bed, still exhausted, but Jaebum springs right up bouncing on his toes as he tries to shake the sleep off. They shuffle down to the kitchen as quietly as they can, its early enough that their mom is still asleep, to grab some water and wake up a little more.

Once they have their water they head back up and sit on the floor stretching their stiff muscles very carefully until they feel a little looser and then they start on more intense warm-ups. Its Monday morning. They don't speak much, content with just the alert presence of the other as they get ready for a run.

Soccer is starting up soon so they've been working out more recently. It shows too, and although Jinyoung doesn't care one way or the other, Jaebum is kind of loving the extra attention they've been getting at school. He doesn't have any intention of starting anything but its flattering nonetheless.

When they hop outside, Jinyoung shows the key around his neck to Jaebum in confirmation that they have one so Jaebum can lock the door. He isn't sure why he does it, but Jinyoung looks over at Mark's house, noting that none of the lights are on but there is a soft blue glow coming from a second story window. Jaebum notices him staring and looks up as well.

"Do you think he is on his phone or just afraid of the dark?" Jaebum whispers teasingly.

Jinyoung suppresses a laugh. They don't even know if that window is Mark's but Jinyoung really hopes it is and he really really hopes that he isn't on his phone.

"Cute" Jinyoung smirks, turning back to face Jaebum. "Mountain path?"

"Eh, lets take Grenlin Loop, we haven't done that one in a while"

Jinyoung nods in agreement, and starts jogging beside Jaebum.

The sun is just beginning to peak out from behind the mountains when Jaebum and Jinyoung have returned, sweaty and breathing hard. Jinyoung wheezes as he tries to stop laughing at something Jaebum said 10 minutes ago.  They stretch on the front lawn, cooling down their muscles.

Jinyoung gets up first pulling the key from around his neck to unlock the door. Their mother is in the kitchen in her suit with a book and a cup of coffee in front of her. Jinyoung can smell the sausage and toast and his stomach growls, but he decides to shower first, sprinting up the stairs before Jaebum can burst in and call first shower.

His plan works, Jaebum chuckling as he enters the house and hears the shower running. He sneaks over to his mother, surprising her with a sweaty kiss on the cheek, she squeals.

"Yah! Jaebum! I just finished doing my makeup! Don't you drip on me!" She moves away from him taking her coffee and book with her defensively.

"Thank you for breakfast, eomma" Jaebum coos, smiling slightly as his mother glares at him.

He fills up a plate, sitting on the opposite side of the table and digs in happily. His moms cooking is the best.

Jinyoung joins them shortly afterwards, hair dripping wet with a towel around his neck, he fills up a plate as well, sitting next to Jaebum.

"Early start today, eomma?" Jinyoung asks before taking his first bite.

"Yes, my client is an early bird, unfortunately" She stands up to get another cup of coffee. "Do you want any, sweeties?"

Jinyoung says "yes please" at the same time that Jaebum says "no thank you" so their mother sets it in the middle of the table for whoever had said they wanted it. Jinyoung's smile turns sour, reaching for his cup as Jaebum chugs the water left in both their glasses.

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