Trust My Love

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Arriving in the hotel, the first thing Jaebeom does is push Jackson down on the bed and trap him until he kisses him enough. Jinyoung is somehow more controlled, pushing Mark up against a wall and letting him go after he whines about it being cold. They're only going to be here for two nights, with the games tomorrow and already they're excited.

In the end, none of their family came. Which is not a surprise, but what finally decided it was that someone from the journalism club and another person from the film club were coming to document their second championship for the school paper, and if they do well enough the teacher is going to send it to a newspaper to have it published in the city.

With the assurance that the whole game would be documented and filmed, their families decided not to go. While disappointing, it does give them a certain level of freedom to do what they want. Their coach has never tried to bother them while they're gone, really only present if they're at the games, ceremonies, or they need something.

They decide to swim after dinner to hopefully tire them out enough that they'll be able to sleep tonight. They expect the pool to be pretty busy, but luckily the hotel has both an indoor and an outdoor pool and while the outdoor pool is crowded the indoor pool is near empty, so they hurry in and set their stuff down, jumping into the water. None of them have been swimming in so long it just feels good to be in the water, even if it is a little cold.

The pool fills up a little after that, mostly woman and girls that saw 11 ripped and handsome young men and decided it was worth swimming in the indoor pool. They ignore them though, focusing on dunking their friends under the water, and competing for who can hold their breath the longest.

As if noticing their audience for the first time, Jinyoung smiles widely and tackles Mark, dragging him under the water before bringing him back up, trapped against the edge of the pool. Mark's hair is in eyes and he's trying to wipe it away, laughing all the while. As soon as his hair is out of the way, and he notices Jinyoung's evil smile, he frowns not prepared when Jinyoung kisses him hard, cupping his jaw and everything.

There is a collective gasp from the people watching them and it makes Jinyoung break the kiss because he's laughing so hard. Mark is beat red, wiping at his lips dramatically. Jaebeom grabs Jinyoung and brings him below the water, hitting him in the chest a few times while Mark tries to recover. Jackson is laughing as hard as Jinyoung is, but he comes over to comfort Mark, who is so embarrassed.

"You're the worst!" Mark yells at Jinyoung as Jaebeom finally lets him resurface.

"You love me!" Jinyoung counters, trying to catch his breath. Jaebeom doesn't let him go though and he knows he only has a few more seconds before Jaebeom is going to drag him under again, this time with Sehun's help.

They swim some more, Mark avoiding Jinyoung like the plague, always making sure he is on the opposite side of the pool from him. Jackson helps him with this, and it turns into a full fledged game trying to keep Jinyoung away from Mark. Jinyoung even gets Junhoe, Kookie and Youngjae on his side trying to help him get to Mark.

After a few hours they're tired and ready to sleep, the sun already went down and most everyone else has left both pool areas. Now that its mostly empty, Mark lets Jinyoung wrap his arms around him and kiss his cheek. He doesn't apologize, nor is he sorry. While they are still so excited, they think they won't be able to sleep, they decide they should go to bed anyways, at least to let their bodies rest.

Kookie has draped himself on Yugyeom's back and its whispering to him, a devilish little bunny smile on his lips and Yugyeom flushes red, biting his lip and giving him the barest of nods. They're the first ones to scramble out of the pool, practically sprinting up to their room.

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