Remember Me

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Mark rides to school with the twins the next day. They have practice after school and everyone agreed they should study after that. Jinyoung decided that Mark would study with him after school every day this week, but he didn't force anyone else to, since its Mark's test. Jaebeom seems distracted for most of the car ride and he remains quiet as they walk up to the school. The only thing he says is hello when Jackson sees them and runs over.

As soon as they see Sehun at the doors though, Jaebeom and him walk off, briefly saying goodbye before whispering to each other as they hurry away, Sehun showing him something on his phone.

"What do you think that's about?" Jackson asks, looking terrified.

"I think I don't want to know yet" Jinyoung shakes his head, pulling Jackson along with him as he takes Mark to his first class. Which he happens to share with Jackson so it works out for everyone.

After dropping them off, Jinyoung hurries back to where he lost Jaebeom, but he doesn't spot him or Sehun and when the bell rings he has to go to class. He refuses to be late. So he texts Jaebeom asking where he is before he goes into class.

Jaebeom gets Jinyoung's text but he doesn't reply. Sehun for sure knows who the kid he beat up is, and so they're going to find him. He goes to a high school across the river, so why he was even at their party neither of them knows. They think they will find him at the school, but as they are driving by a mall, Sehun points out one of the guys to him, and sure enough, its him.

Jaebeom parks the car and they climb out. The guy, Jongup, is not in any hurry, walking towards the entrance. So Jaebeom and Sehun fall into step behind him, not too close but also not far. They're going to wait until they get to a more secluded place to confront him, but they don't want to lose him before that happens.

They try not to look suspicious but Jaebeom is staring him down pretty hard. Who does this fucker think he is? Sehun holds Jaebeom back when they enter the mall, pointing to a sports store down one hall.

"I know we're here to deal with this guy, but we should stop in and check out their shoes"

"Seriously? We're gonna lose him" Jaebeom pushes his hand off his shoulder and continues after the guy.

He's headed towards the back of the mall, he hasn't talked to anyone or stopped at any of the stores. When he turns a corner though, he looks back, looking away just as quickly

"He sees us, lets go" Jaebeom takes off running and when they round the corner they can see that he had started running too. Jaebeom and Sehun are faster though, gaining ground quickly. He sprints into an open store and runs straight into a guy. He stumbles enough that by the time he recovers, Jaebeom and Sehun almost have him.

He runs out the back doors that lead out into the parking lot and then turns again into a weird driveway looking thing with a giant blue trash can at the end. It has no exit, no windows and more importantly no people. Not having to worry too much about being caught, Jaebeom catches up, grabbing his jacket and bringing him to the ground. Jongup tries to get the jacket off and get back up, but Jaebeom kicks him behind the knee, effectively stopping him.

Sehun grabs him by the shirt, lifting him up and slamming him against the wall. Jongup starts kicking at him, but Jaebeom kicks him hard in the side of the leg, stopping him.

"Man, fuck you guys!" Jongup yells, holding onto his leg with one hand, and Sehun's wrist with the other.

"No, fuck you," Sehun growls slamming him against the wall again. "First you try to stab my friend and then you make us run all up through a mall, as if you drugging girls wasn't bad enough!"

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