Time Out

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The next morning Youngjae gets to the school early and runs laps around the track outside. Its still decently cold but he wears a few layers and strips them off as he needs to. He can tell he made a good impression yesterday, and Mark seemed happy on goalie so he's hoping the coach will announce the switch today.

The school didn't use to have this field, boarded by the track, they just had the track and then a horrible thing of concrete, but after Jaebum, Jinyoung, Sehun, and Junhoe's first year, when they won the championships despite being a new team, the school ripped it out and gave them their own coach and their field.

He runs until his lungs can't take the stinging chill anymore and then stops, stretching out on the freezing grass. When he looks over at his stuff again, he sees BamBam sitting on the bleachers, wrapped in a too big coat and a fluffy hat, smiling at him. He jogs over to him, sitting down beside him to check the time. They still have enough time that he can shower and change.

"You're out here early" BamBam says, leaning on his shoulder, despite how sweaty he is.

"Yeah, I wanted to run and its easier to just change at school."

BamBam nods, but hes closed his eyes, obviously tired. "I brought you breakfast and hot chocolate"

He points down at a lunch bag, one of the fancy insulated ones, but then quickly tucks his hands back into his pockets. Youngjae thanks him, kissing him on the head.

"Lets to inside before you freeze to death," Youngjae laughs, pulling BamBam up. Truthfully its him that's fucking cold, now that he's not actively running, but is actively wet, he's turning to ice. They go into the back door of the gyms, the secret one that is always left unlocked and BamBam sits down on the benches while Youngjae showers and changes.

Youngjae eats the breakfast he brought him in the locker room too. Oatmeal, still hot, and some fresh strawberries. They stay in there, huddled on the bench while Youngjae drinks the hot chocolate too, relaxed after running. BamBam is falling asleep though, warm in his coat cocoon, and happy as he leans against Youngjae.

"Bammie, don't sleep in here, I'll attack you"

"No you won't" BamBam chuckles, snuggling closer. "And I'm not sleeping"

"Whatever you say"

Just to prove him wrong, BamBam straightens up, but he's honestly exhausted, rubbing his eyes, and stretching out, which only serves to make him more tired. Youngjae just laughs at him, leaning over to kiss him.

"Hey," BamBam asks, widening his eyes in an effort to wake him up. "Whats so cool about Hanbin?"

"Nothing, dudes an asshole" Youngjae laughs.

"I mean why does everyone care so much"

"Well he was our friend for a while, I think Junhoe has known him as long as Sehun's known the twins so they were pretty close." Youngjae taps his chin, trying to think. He's never cared much about the guy, even when they did play together, they got along, but that was about it. "Hanbin and I were never really close, since I was younger, he kind of just ignored me"

It doesn't bother him anymore, but it did keep them from being friends and it still keeps Youngjae from caring about him to any degree. The same cannot be said for the twins, Sehun or Junhoe.

"You could always ask Junhoe about it, they were the closest of anyone" Youngjae suggests but BamBam shakes his head.

"I feel like that would be awkward."

"I wouldn't bother anyways, he's not worth knowing about. We'll win the game, again, and then all promptly forget about it until next year"

"Sounds good" BamBam smiles, puckering up his lips for a kiss that Youngjae happily gives him. Then the bells rings, startling both of them into hurrying to collect their stuff, as kids for the first P.E. class start to file in.

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