White Noise

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Jackson spends that night at Mark's house, wrapped in blankets on the bed next to him. BamBam decided to come over with them and is sleeping on the floor. As far as they know, the other members spent the night at the twins house, but since they left early, they aren't sure.

When Mark wakes up, BamBam is still on the floor,  but Jackson is gone. He thinks hes probably downstairs talking to his mom, so Mark gets out of bed and pulls some sweatpants on then heads down there.

But when he gets to the kitchen, its totally silent, and so is the living room, and the bathroom door is open. Mark is about to give up looking and just go back to bed, assuming Jackson went home at some point, when he sees two people from his kitchen window.

He has to squint to be sure, but that is definitely Jackson and Jaebum talking outside. He doesn't know how to process this. Just yesterday they got into a screaming match, and now they're out there and at 7 in the morning having a peaceful conversation over some steaming cups of whatever.

"What the hell?" Mark mutters to himself as he continues to watch, oblivious to how creepy he's being.

"What is it?" BamBam asks, nearly giving Mark a heart attack when he comes up behind him. BamBam eyes go to slits and he has to resist the urge to pull the blinds down. "Woah, what?"

They watch as Jackson finishes his drink, and Jaebum takes the mug back from him, he takes Jackson's hand in his and looks at the bandages again, before kissing them? No, they couldn't have seen that right. Jackson flusters, biting his lip to suppress a stupid grin, and then leans in and kisses Jaebum... on the lips? What? No.

Mark is shocked, but not compared to BamBam, who looks completely like a fish out of water, shaking his head, opening and closing his mouth, eyes wide face still puffy from sleep.

"Did that just happen? Am I dreaming?" BamBam asks after a moment.

"Then we're sharing the same dream" Mark says as he reaches over and pinches BamBam hard on the arm.

"Ow! What the hell?" BamBam shrieks, and Mark tries to shush him, but he's laughing so hard he thinks he must be making more noise than BamBam did. They duck down as Jackson and Jaebum both look over at the house in alarm.

"Why are we hiding?" Mark asks. Neither of them stand up.

"What are you two doing?" Dorrine asks as she turns on the kitchen light as sees her son and friend hiding below the window.

"Mom! Turn off the light! He'll see us!"

"Who?" She comes over to the window, and pulls back the blinds to see. Jackson waves sheepishly back at her. "Is that Jaebum with him? Oh they look adorable!"


"Were you two spying on them?"

"NO were just happen to come down here and see that they were out there" Mark starts rambling, and cant stop even as he hears the front door open and shut and Jackson comes into the kitchen.

"Are you and Jaebum dating?" BamBam asks, cutting Mark off mid ramble.

"What? No, he just wanted to know how my hands were"

"Bullshit, you kissed him"

"Mark! Watch your language!" Dorrine scolds, glaring at her son as she walks over to Jackson. "How are your hands darling? We might want to let them air out a bit"

"Um, yeah, but I'm afraid of touching things with them..."

"Don't worry, we can eat breakfast and then unwrap them and wrap them back up before lunch!"

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