Chapter 01

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....All Of Me Belongs To You......

Chapter 01:


This fic is going to be one hell of a mess. I hope I can finish this mess.

IMPORTANT:   This is just an imaginative story of mine. I am not mocking anyone and my theory about this may be sometimes wrong. It's not my intention if anyone gets offended after reading the disorder. It's just a fiction. If you do not like this or felt offended, please don't read it. 


Chapter 01:

A man of twenty nine year old wiped the mirror which was covered by the mist, formed due to the hot shower he had taken for almost an hour..

His pale skin had reddened because of standing in hot shower for so long..

But pain like this meant nothing to him when he had seen so much in his life.

In fact there is nothing much that can surprise him or hurt him anymore.

Choclate brown eyes stared at his reflection taking note of his every features after the mirror became clear....

It's a habit he had developed for years...

Like an obsessed man, he stared at his own reflection chanting,

It's me....

This is my body...

Again and again he repeated these words to himself.

If anyone saw him they will think he had gone crazy... He may as well be.

After looking at his reflection for a while he laughed bitterly all of a sudden, mocking his very own face.

What a pathetic man he is...

Who is he..?

He is.....

Arnav Singh Raizada....


Arnav Malik....



He looked at his reflection with hate, thinking about what he had thought of his name.

If people heard his thoughts, they'll think these are his different names...



It's not true...

In fact.......

These are his different personalities..


He has D.I.D (Disassociate Identity Disorder) formerly referred to as multiple personality disorder.

( **Note**     Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in—and alternately take control of—an individual.**)

What a mess his mind had became..

People are left alone in their own mind and not many know how lucky they are to have their own mind.

Now he's just Arnav....

The person who holds most of personalities under control..

The main man..

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