Chapter 20

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...All Of Me Belongs To You...

Chapter 20:


Dr. Rahul Sharma watched the silently sleeping man on the bed.

He had opened his own hospital at the age of twenty five in order to continue his higher studies, in dire need of money. Soon he became a little famous and ran the hospital along with continuing his studies.

Now in his thirties, he has accomplished a lot and had great pleasure in treating those who come to him for help..

But, looking at this sleeping man made him realize yhat there were some stubborn patients who are really difficult to cure.

A rare case of disorder and it's rooted too deep inside him whether Arnav realized it or not.

Arnav came to him when he was twenty years old, hesitating at first but then threatening him, begging him to keep it secret from everyone, explaining that his family will kill him if anyone knew.

Rahul had assured him that he keeps the patient records to himself.

It took years for Arnav to trust him, to understand that Rahul will never betray him.

But slowly, reluctantly, Arnav let him know about what he's going through.

From what he understood, each personality in Arnav wanted something and they will never disappear unless they get what they wanted..

Some could be reasonable...

For example, Arnie personality will slowly disappear if Arnav got enough unconditional attention and love.

But other personalities were quite difficult..

ASR will only go if he destroyed Arnav and that's unreasonable.

So, the option of making all the personalities to coexist in peaceful manner was out of the window when almost all of them wanted to make the other personalities disappear.

Dr. Rahul had done as much as possible in the past few years.

He had given him medicines and one of the personalities did disappear with continuous council from him. But it took two years. Granted that personality was the least troublesome among all.

Arnav had told that personality never came back and the remaining were really stubborn.

Now ASR, Arnie, Aru, Arnav Malik stayed within Arnav...

The next least troublesome personality was Aru and he is trying to find a way to make it disappear because he didn't know what Aru personality wants..

Aru personality was in fact a child...

A child in Arnav's body...

Overall he has files of each personality and had put everything he had learnt from them when they come out during the session.

The most troublesome was ASR...

ASR was too violent...

Had almost tried to choke him when he came out because he's trying to make them all disappear..

But it was nothing compared to how guilty Arnav felt when he saw finger shaped bruises on Rahul's neck..

Arnav was frankly a very good person. Rahul felt pity on him because Arnav never had the support of family..

And, he can only be cured completely, even if not completely, at least be cured to some extent only if he remembered his life before when he was fifteen..

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