Chapter 11

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All Of Me Belongs To You...

Chapter 11:



The color of gold...

The color of mangoes...

The color of sunflowers...

And also,

The color of haldi....

Arnav didn't really like being half naked in front of all these people so he strictly refused and miracles of miracle, his grandmother agreed to him, probably because of the scars on his body.

Arnav doesn't remember the accident well, but he did remember bits and pieces of when he was fifteen, the whole mansion burning up while he was running to safety, got burned a little, tripped over few things and then he had been buried when the nearby wall collapsed on him when the rescuers found him, he was barely alive.

From then on, Arnav grew conscious about the scars, hating to show his body to others.

But it's all too different matter when Arnie is in this body, sleeping with girls as he pleased..

Thankfully, his grandmother knowing his predicament, had agreed that only she will apply haldi to him and Arnav was really grateful that his other relatives won't touch him.

Knowing that they all wanted him to die as soon as possible, touching by them will only make him even more disgusted.

Arnav washed of the haldi after his grandmother went away to entertain the guests.

After the guests started slowly move to the food counter, Arnav moved towards his building in the huge Mansion.


Don't think about it...

Don't you even dare to think about it..

But, Arnav cannot help but think about it no matter how hard he tried to not think about it.


The Sangeet function was held a few days before and Arnav had been giving off a standoffish aura so people will stay away from him, not to drag him in all the dance and fun.

Arnav was always like this, he didn't attend any parties and even if he had to, he will just stand there aloof and went home as soon as possible.

Who knows which character will come out if he stayed long in these tiresome functions and parties.

He was just watching around the people, deciding to not get involved in any of this.

Even his relatives who at first stayed clustered among themselves, not mingling with Khushi's relatives because of meaningless pride, thinking of themselves as higher class, pretending to be aloof has started dancing after his grandmother took her leave from the function.

Among all the people, like a candle in the dark, she shone with brightness and Arnav couldn't take his eyes off her.

She was laughing, smiling and full of joy even though she too was forced to marry him.

Her eyes radiated happiness Arnav could never understand nor has he experienced.

Arnav will swear it was a moment of insanity that when he kept staring at her, she stopped in the mid of her dance noticing his stares that he took steps towards her, crossing the distance between them and startling everyone, he took her hand and twirled her around.

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