Chapter 15

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....All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 15:


After marrying Arnav Singh Raizada, almost two weeks had passed but he still remained a mystery to her..

He never visits the top floor where she's staying, in fact the only time she sees him is during the breakfast.

Khushi had started an annoying habit of expecting the breakfast time daily just to see him.

And, during the family breakfast, he rarely speaks with anyone. She is sure that he doesn't even eat much.

After that he bids bye to grandmother and then to her, with that he goes to office and return at night.

He doesn't say anything while she was waiting for him in the first floor.

He asks her if there's anything she needed or have to tell anything important to him daily before going to his well secured second floor.

Ever since she had been interested in becoming a psychiatrist, Khushi had analyzed lot of people, both man and woman.

To honestly say, she had never seen a man like him before..

She cannot seem to come to a conclusion...

He's strict with employees,

Distant with his family,

Very serious about his work,

Even though he's rich, he doesn't behave like overly rude and entitled,..

Does a lot of charity work or that's what many articles say about him,...

Never forces her to do all the duties of a wife,

In fact, he calls her phone to wake her up to get ready for breakfast at eight,

He never even bothered her with anything,

He even cooked for God's sake...

A perfect man...

But why doesn't he let her near him at all?

Khushi really, really wanted to get to know him..

The fact was he is not bothering her was bothering her more..

Khushi had seen that he doesn't open up to any one, not even shows his expression openly most of the time..

Except one...

Only one....


Khushi in fact, unknowingly gets jealous of Aman because Aman gets to stay with Arnav Ji from morning till night.

Khushi had seen her husband openly smiling while he was speaking with Aman..

So  he does have emotions, just that he is not showing it to anyone..

Just who are you Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada...?

Khushi wanted to know about him...

So, she decided to interact with his family and she had made friends with his family.

Akaash was a lot quiet but he is a very good guy.

Anjali Di and her husband Shyaam were friendly enough.

Even though Nani, the head of Raizada family is cold and aloof, she seemed to be a nice person.

And most of all....

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