Chapter 17

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....All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 17:


Arnav didn't know why this situation has turned out like this..

He had arranged this so called going on honeymoon for two reasons..

One, he's away from Raizada Mansion and two, he has sessions with his psychiatrist freely without any one finding about this.

Honeymoon was just a disguise..

He had arranged their stay in a hotel.

They could have stayed in Raizada resort but all the employees there were loyal to his grandmother and will report right back of what's going on so Arnav had booked a hotel room, more like a suite.

Being in London brought such nostalgic memories to him..

It's where he had gone to school and college. He didn't have any relatives or friends even here but he did had a very good time here..

No grandmother watching over your every step..

No relatives to taunt you and attempt to kill you for family business..

Nor were there any pressure for him as a heir of Raizada..

Even though he too was a son of his mother, he still was born to her second husband, that's why Anjali was very angry..

Arnav did understand where Anjali was coming from.. Because his mom had left Anjali in grandmother's care instead of rising her after her first husband died.

After that his mother had found love again and remarried, giving birth to him and become too concentrated on her second marriage that she forget all about Anjali.. Or, that was what his grandmother told him, making excuses for Anjali's behavior

Anjali felt jealous...

So jealous that her mother stayed with them and he had a happy family that she started hating him blindly. But its not Arnav's fault for what his mother did.

In fact.. He felt a little guilty yet a little happy that at least his mother and father loved him...

If only they were alive...

Arnav wouldn't have to live like this...

If only they were alive...

They would have been as caring as Dev Raizada towards his son Armaan Raizada..

Arnav had noticed how restricted Armaan felt by his father's expectations but Armaan doesn't realize how lucky it was to have parents no matter how they were..

Dev Raizada supported his son Arman through everything and covered up his every mistakes, endured his every rebellious stages.

To have a stable background..

To have parents backup and support you..

Armaan doesn't realize how lucky he was.. to have his parents alive and watching over him..

They might be overbearing and even hard at times but no one can look after you other than your parents nor can anyone love you like them..

Arnav's heart ached...

If only his parents were alive...

Arnav alone know how difficult it was sometimes..

His head started prickling and ignoring it, he looked at Khushi straight in her eyes..

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