Chapter 24

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...All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 24:


Aman entered Master Arnav's building in the Raizada Mansion, wondering whether he was alright or not.

He had been worried ever since he found Master Arnav lying in his cabin in a pool of blood. His heart felt like it will finally give out any moment when he carried him to the hospital.

After that with heavy heart, he let Khushi to take care of Master Arnav. It was a very tough decision because it was always him taking care of Master Arnav and to give that right to someone else was really hard.

But Aman took this decision for his Master Arnav's happiness so that Khushi could see how much he's getting hurt and how broken he really was and how much he needed someone to support him.

Aman trusted Khushi will be the one to fill the emptiness in him since he cannot do that.

So, no matter how much it hurt, Aman stepped down and let way for Khushi to be with Master Arnav.

So, he focused on the media issues and trying to run the company while Master Arnav was in bed rest and that too in his room in the building.

So after three days of managing everything until everything was stable, he decided to go and check up on Master Arnav one more time.

When he entered the building, everything was silent which was really strange.

So Aman moved towards his room and lightly knocked it, wondering whether Master Arnav was asleep.

Hearing no response, Aman lightly opened the door to catch a glimpse of Master Arnav but the sight he was met with made him gasp in horror.

Things were everywhere on the floor from pillows to plates.

But, that's not what made him horrified instead it was Master Arnav lying on the floor, curled up like a ball in the midst of the messy room.

Aman quickly moved towards him, startled to find tears trailing Master Arnav cheeks, his eyes looking past everything as if he was all alone in the world.


Aman felt like his heart will soon give out with the way it ached...

He had never wanted to see Master Arnav like this.. Ever..

“Master Arnav.."

Aman called out to him and was only met with silence.

“Please... Get up..."

There were some glass pieces on him and Aman could not take it anymore.

He ran towards the first aid kit and pulled the small glass pieces from him which was thankfully not much.

When he put antiseptic liquid at the cuts, Master Arnav didn't even wince at the stinging. Aman pulled Master Arnav's ruined shirt and grabbed his shirt in the nearby cupboard since it's Aman's room he was staying.

He put it on, wiping him with a towel and helped him stand up but not before he dusted the bed of the cottons from the torn pillows.

Aman helped him sit on the bed and grabbed the broom nearby, swiping the glass pieces and cotton away, making the room clean, knowing it was better to not push Master Arnav to talk.

So, when he put the broom aside, he saw Master Arnav's feet had blood stains.

Soon, Aman knelt down, placing Master Arnav's foot on his thigh and cleaned Master Arnav's feet off blood and thankfully, there was not many injuries on him.

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