Chapter 26

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....All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 26:

Khushi smiled hesitantly when Arnav ji stared at her with wide eyes as soon as she entered the building...

He looked as if he doesn't believe she's here in front of him..

Even though she's glad and happy to see him after a week and also that he was looking fine than when she last saw him, somewhere in her was afraid that the person in front of her was Arnav ji or not..

Khushi realized Aman ji must have looked after Arnav ji and she was ashamed to realize she had ran away when Arnav ji was not well..

It should have been her to take care of him..

Arnav ji got up from the sofa he had been sitting and moved towards her as if to hug her, with his arms extended. But stood still, his hands dropped down and turned his face away from her..

That's when Khushi realized how much he keeps his distance from her..

It's not because he wanted to be distant with her but it's because even if he wanted to be close to her, he remained distant, respecting her feelings and not wanting to hurt her by getting close..

Just like how Aman ji said...

He had never taken advantage of her nor did he took one step that was wrong when it comes to her..

He's such a gem of a person...


Why didn't she notice?

For heaven's sake, she was studying to be Psychiatrist but that doesn't mean she should knows everything... Still, she observed people on daily basis and try to find out the meanings behind their gestures..

Then how did she miss little things like this...

Its almost five months of their marriage and she didn't notice anything..


Her mind was dominated by her heart..

She had failed to understand him and it was her fault too.

Khushi crossed the distance and hugged him, startling Arnav ji..

Khushi witnessed how Arnav ji's whole body trembled..

“Arnav ji.. I'm sorry"

She buried her face in his chest, trying to imprint everything Arnav ji is so that she won't mistake any other personality in future.

Arnav ji pulled from the hug and looked at her straight in eye.

“No, Khushi.. I should be the one saying sorry.. I'm sorry Khushi that I hid such thing from you.. No matter the reason, what I did was completely wrong. You have every right to stay away from me.."

Khushi cut him off in mid sentence by hugging him again, not able to hear his self loathing and self hate thoughts..

How broken he was....

How much she had failed to notice till now..

“No, Arnav ji... I do understand why you didn't tell me but still I didn't run away from you or anything.. I just wanted some time.. It was a huge shock and very unexpected so, please stop hurting yourself.."

His hands encircled her waist and he leaned down and buried his face in her neck and the hold she had on him tightened because she felt as if she has to protect him from everything and anything..

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