Chapter 23

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...All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 23:


Arnav didn't know what to do....

Three days...

It has been three days since he had been discharged from the hospital, the scandals were being taken care by grandmother and Aman..

He had been staying in Aman's room since he doesn't want to go to the second floor because no one has access to it and Khushi refused to let him alone while Aman was staying in a guest room for the time being.

The doctor had advised him to take it slow since he cannot function properly knowing that he had lost too much blood.

Arnav didn't know why Aman had let Khushi see him in this condition. Arnav had already hurt her with him avoiding ever since he had returned from London and to top it all that the photo of Arnie and another girl has been released into the media...

Arnav cannot even imagine how much it might hurt his wife to know that her husband has been having affairs with different girls behind her back.

Arnav also came to know about how Khushi had stood up for herself in front of his family members.

At first, Arnav was worried about Khushi being too innocent and naive to survive among these cunning people but now he was glad that she's strong, in fact stronger than even himself.

To think such a girl had became his wife..

He is really fortunate to have her as his wife and at the same time she was really unfortunate to have him as her husband.

The door was knocked before Khushi came through.

Arnav suddenly felt an itch in his hand to use a concealer because his scars were laid bare...

The scars are so ugly and he never wanted anyone to see them, least of all Khushi but ever since he had came home from hospital, he has been bed resting in Aman's room and didn't have a concealer. These scars made him feel vulnerable and were a proof that he was not normal..

Arnav half sat up in the bed and watched Khushi putting the soup cup aside along with a plate of some fruits to eat so that blood will regenerate in him quickly.

Arnav wanted to hug himself in defensive position when Khushi sat beside him without even sparing an eye glance to him.

She was angry, more like she's mad at him and anyone would be if they were in her place.

Arnav would have taken it if she showed her anger by scolding him or even beaten him up but she refused to speak with him.

Yes, she hadn't spoken to him a word even when he woke up in the hospital to find her sitting near his bed with his scarred hand in hers.

Arnav had apologized to her multiple times but she refused to speak to him so Arnav had given up knowing that she needed time to handle him and this situation.

Frankly, he was amazed at why she's taking care of him instead of asking him a divorce.

No women would tolerate infidelity since she doesn't know it's Arnie and he had broken the one promise he promised her.

Arnav felt a pang in his heart at the mere thought of divorce...

To not be able to see this amazing woman in his life..

To go to a home where she won't be waiting for him with food no matter how late it was or that she has to get ready to college early...

To not be able to eat her handmade food..

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