Chapter 03

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....All Of Me Belongs To You.....

Chapter 03:


Arnav could feel a headache slowly building it's pace and intensity behind his eyes.

Arnav clenched his eyes and took deep breaths subtly, just like his doctor advised. This is not the time to lose his mind and getting his body taken by another personality and that too in front of the very people he wants to hide it from.

Even though a battle is going on inside him, Arnav's face was just like always... blank of any expression.

It was because of practicing a lot to keep his emotions hidden from almost everyone for years that it comes naturally to him. Because he cannot, absolutely cannot let anyone know about how he feels.

Everyone in the dining table whispered to each other. Because if he married a girl from rich background then his stocks may vary, along with net worth.

It's always like this...

Every move he makes is always watched and analyzed in a business manner. Arnav had to think ten steps ahead of them if he have to survive in midst of these people.

Arnav could feel his control slipping. He hid his hands under the dining table and clenched them hard enough to bleed with his nails digging his palm.



In Arnav's life, there are some words which are absolutely forbidden.






These words are forbidden to him and Arnav had steeled himself from every relations and had gave up on every form of love.

Arnav cannot marry...

He absolutely cannot marry...

To tell you the truth, Arnav is really really tired, mentally and physically from all the hiding and keeping his emotions in control. He is not sure, he can handle it  if he had to hide everything from one more person.

If he married, he had to let her live in his building. He had to let someone live in his safest place. It's impossible to live with anyone in the condition he is.


He is thinking about only himself...

How could any girl live with him..?

How could any girl can put up with his conditions.? No girl will be able to handle him.

Which side of him can she love...?

Even Arnav isn't sure of who he is, then how can he marry a girl with the way he is.

Arnav cannot marry a girl without letting her know about his disorder.


No girl will marry him after knowing his disorder.

Arnav gritted his teeth.

It's not the time to panic about things like this. Arnav should give a proper response to his grandmother who's waiting for his reply.

“I am not interested in marriage, grandmother."

“I am not asking your opinion, Arnav. I am informing you so that you should be prepared for it. I am already seeing potential candidates to whom you should marry."

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