Chapter 21

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...All Of Me Belongs To You...

Chapter 21:


It's been one month since she had last spoke with Arnav ji and since she had joined her college.

Granted Arnav ji had returned from London two weeks before but something has changed..

Something has changed in him..

There was a cold look in his eyes..

There was a silent warning in his eyes to not get close..

As if he has gone through hell that he doesn't want anyone close to him..


Of course Aman...

Khushi felt jealous again that Aman was allowed to be with him and she was kept at distance.

Even though it was Aman ji who had helped her to get close to Arnav ji, she felt silly to feel jealous but she cannot help it..

Khushi wanted to gain Arnav ji's blind trust just like Aman ji but the way Arnav ji was behaving had put her in a tough spot.

Arnav ji rarely comes home, deciding to be holed up in his office as soon as he returned from London.

It was not as if he was avoiding her but it looked like Arnav ji waw running away from her.

The question was why..?

Why he's running away from her..?

As if afraid of her..

What did she do?

Hadn't he said that he can't stay away from her anymore..?

What happened to the closeness they experienced in London?

And the way his relatives are behaving had made her feel disgusted.

Armaan was the only one, who was friendly to her but after the fight she had with him, she couldn't find peace in this home at all.

Khushi's heart went out to Arnav ji whenever she witnessed how his relatives behaved with her.

If they are all behaving like this with her then how they would have behaved with him when he was just fifteen.

She had heard it from Aman ji about his past a little and a little more from Arnav ji.

Khushi was glad that even though she too had lost her parents, she was adopted and grew up with a loving family.

To think that no one was there for him till now and if she didn't make the drama and get married to Arnav ji, what would've happened to him?

He would have been married to some other rich girl of his family's choice and that girl too would have been against Arnav ji.

Khushi shuddered to even imagine the life he would have led.

Khushi sighed and got up, putting the dishes she had made aside, closing it off since Arnav ji didn't come home even today.

It's already past twelve and Aman ji had kindly texted her in his busy schedule that Arnav ji was holed up in upcoming presentation and he won't likely be home today.

Khushi went from the first floor to the third floor where her room was.

She doesn't has the heart to go to her empty room.

She missed those days when she freely without any worries slept with Payal di or even her step mom.

She had always been surrounded by her family and friends. This life was so alone and she felt even sadder thinking Arnav ji had been living this kind of life ever since he was fifteen.

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