Chapter 18

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.....All Of Me Belongs To You.....

Chapter 18:


Arnav sighed, cursing his own arrogance and his competitive nature which always landed him in trouble..

Something in Khushi stroke his ego to play out and the ever calm and collected Arnav Singh Raizada was losing his cool..

All because of a girl...

A girl ASR had brought in his life..

So innocent and pure...

Arnav in all his life had never witnessed anyone genuine and pure except Aman who was a God sent to him.

But Khushi....

Khushi, the name was apt for her...

She really was happiness personified..

And he has to grudgingly admit that she was beautiful...

As challenged, she did participate in the contest and sang songs happily, without feeling self conscious and danced through final round.

There was even one round where she had to dance in a very high heels they provided and she did manage to pass that round somehow.

It was ridiculous that Arnav's wife has to go through all this just to ask him something.

The efforts she put in this contest as her life depended on it touched Arnav beyond words.

Arnav could not take his eyes off her.

Like a slave to her antics and laughs..

He never did expect her to go to the final round not because he doubted her talent but because he knows contests like these always had a preselected winners.

The final round was to dance freestyle and show their charm..

She had already changed her gown to a loose jeans so she could dance comfortably before the contest began and Arnav was glad he didn't have to carve the eyes off those who would ogle her. She even tied her hair so it won't disturb her during dance.

Not just him....

He knew that everyone was charmed by her bubbly attitude you could witness even in her dance.

She was dancing around laughing and smiling and everyone could see that she was the star of today's contest.

She twirled, jumped, danced until she became breathless.

So pure and so innocent unaware of the demons lurking inside him..

All the more reason to keep her safe. He cannot bring her into his darkness and ruin her innocence.

Arnav didn't even look when others performed and that's why he was startled when they announced that Khushi was the winner. He didn't even notice when the final round was finished.

No way...

Man... Why did he even agree to the challenge?

Arnav always hated being so competitive that he eagerly accepted her challenge.

But now... He never thought she would win..


What was she going to ask him?

What does she wants from him..?

Khushi bowed, accepting everyone's applause and looked at him straight.

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