Chapter 37

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....All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 37:


Arnav rested his head against the glass window and absentmindedly looked down at the garden from the third floor.

Tears stained cheeks were left without washing and all he could feel was his heart being squeezed at the decision he had made.

A week long of thinking and planning to come up with a solution that might save Khushi...


He had never been this scared in his life, not even when facing Aman's eyes after he came to know about Arnav's disorder...

The thought of Aman send a fresh pang in his heart, squeezing it with pain..

If Aman was here, he will definitely help Arnav in this, guide him, give him the strength he lacked now.

God..! If only Aman was here, Arnav would not be like this..

Arnav moved away from the window and slid down the wall, slumping on the floor, hugging his knees together in defensive position.

It had been long since he used to sit in this kind of defensive pose. But he couldn't help it..

He missed Aman more than ever. Arnav felt as if Aman had cursed and blessed him at same time with his death..

Two and a half months passed after Aman's death but he missed him more as the days went by..

Aman's death had saved him from the personalities disorder and helped him escape from two of troublesome personalities.

But at the same time cursed Arnav with never ending emptiness which can be filled by none.

Because Arnav, without even realising always depended upon Aman. Arnav was not afraid to fall because he knew without a doubt Aman will catch him and help him stand even stronger..

But this....

This time, he needed Aman who was like a parent to him, to guide him in the path Arnav had decided to walk on..

He was all alone again....

The thoughts of his parents now only brought deep pain except comfort like it used too...

The thoughts of Dr. Rahul's counselling did nothing to calm him like it used to...

The thoughts of Aman did nothing to offer him strength like it used to except to bring unbearable pain that Aman died in saving him..

The thoughts of Khushi did nothing but rise the already growing fear in him...

How is he going to save her from himself?

How is he going to save her from ASR..?


God! Arnav hugged his knees tighter than before and rested his head above them...

The last time ASR spoke with him about killing Khushi sent chills down on his spine.

It was madness...

What he saw in ASR's eyes was madness..

Arnav felt like he was responsible partly for what is happening..

Arnav shouldn't have split himself like that in his childhood despite how much worse the abuse was. If it's not for that, today Khushi won't be threatened with danger.

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