Chapter 12

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....All Of Me Belongs To You....

Chapter 12:


There is no turning back....

Arnav had trapped himself into this..

A trap without an escape...

A trap decorated with flowers like roses and orchids, named marriage hall...

A beautiful trap but a trap nonetheless..

Arnav could not do anything as he sat on the altar of the marriage hall, beside Khushi while Aman stood behind him along with his relatives and people he knew and didn't knew filled the hall.

Waiters roamed through out the hall offering beverages while the media covered their marriage.

Arnav wanted to run...

For the first time in his life, he wanted to run away rather than facing the truth.

He wanted to run away from this marriage..

But he knew he can't...

Arnav gritted his teeth and thought back of what happened since yesterday..

Arnav had prepared himself mentally to get adjusted to this but no, the two things he was not prepared at all came as a shock..

Yesterday, when Aman had gathered information about her, he never expected that Khushi's dream ever since she was a child was to be a psychiatrist..

Arnav knew Khushi had completed her Bachelor's in medicine and science and waiting to study her higher degree.

He thought she will be a dentist or heart surgeon but never expected her to study psychology..

This complicated things..

Granted she's only a student but she will pick up his condition soon. Arnav felt stupid for not looking into her details further.

Somehow this whole marriage seemed somewhat suspicious to him.. There is something off in this marriage.

There is something not right...

As he slept not so peacefully yesterday night, soon the morning came..

As always Arnav looked into mirror reminding himself that this is Arnav and today is his marriage day, all of a sudden ASR appeared in the mirror..

Arnav scrambled back from the mirror in fear and was going to run if not for the voice of ASR...

He can ASR speak with me while I am in the body?

How's it possible..?

Did he got so strong in me that he can appear in front of me and speak with me..?

"Scared, Arnav?"

Yes, he was scared but he is not going to admit that to ASR of all people. He just stared at the ASR in mirror with pounding heart.

"Finally... Marriage huh?"

With that ASR laughed at him..

"Stupid Arnav.. Did you think this marriage was designated by you and your grandmother?"

ASR sneered at Arnav....

"Ha.. Ha.. Everything from the start was planned and executed perfectly by me.. Did you think I would just help any girl.? Did you think any media will release a video of a Raizada like that within moments.? I was the one who arranged media people there and I was the one who released that footage of me helping Khushi.. I predicted your every move and I know that your grandmother will lead all this to marriage..."

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